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四川师范大学文理学院本科毕业论文 《红楼梦》之王熙凤人物形象分析 学生姓名 院系名称 文 学 院 专业名称 汉语言文学(师范方向) 班 级 2008 级 1 班 学 号 200810025116 指导教师 (副教授) 答辩时间 2011 年 月 日 《红楼梦》之王熙凤人物形象分析 内容提要: 《红楼梦》是中国四大名著之一,是一部具有高度思想性和高度艺术性的伟大作品,是现实主义的伟大著作,代表古代小说艺术的最高成就。《红楼梦》为人们演绎了一场以宝黛恋情为主旋律的封建家族婚姻悲剧,而且作者以极其酣畅淋漓的手法描写了一群风姿独具、形态各异的女性形象,而王熙凤是被公认为刻画得最成功的形象之一,并且她也是最生动、最具生活气息和现实性的形象之一。王熙凤的形象具有丰富性和复杂性。王熙凤有出色的治家之才,但偏偏爱财如命;她没有多少文化知识,但是幽默机智、善于奉承;她年轻貌美、背景显赫,可是心狠手辣。她的形象深深地印在了读者心中。对于王熙凤,大多数读者是又爱又恨。本文将对王熙凤这一人物形象进行辩证、客观、公正的认识与分析。关键词:红楼梦 王熙凤 形象 机智 泼辣 《Hong Lou Meng》About Wang Xifeng’s character image analysisAbstract: 《Hong Lou Meng》is one of China’s four great literary classics and it is ahighly intellectual and artistic great works.It is the great books of the realismand represent the highest achievements in the arts of ancient novels .《HongLou Meng》 deduced the theme of the feudal marriage tragedy of Jia Baoyu andLin Daiyu’s love for people and the author written with a extremely thoroughlydeserved gimmick to describes a group of unique grace and different patternsof female.Wang Xifeng is recognized as the most successful image of female.She is also one of the most vivid most breath of life and a realistic image. Theimage of the Wang Xifeng possess richness and complexity. Wang Xifeng wellin family managebut she is a money-grubber She had not much culturalknowledge but humor tactful and good at flattery She was young andbeautiful her background is outstanding but she is ruthless. Her image left adeep impression in the reader’s mind. The majority of readers are love or hateWang XiFeng. This paper will dialectical objective and fair understanding andanalysis Wang XiFeng’s image.Keywords:Hong Lou Meng Wang Xifeng image witty shrewish目 录一、背景显赫 容貌俊美............................................... 1 (一)显赫的家庭背景 ............................................ 1 (二)神妃仙子似的外貌 .......................................... 1二、精明干练 管理出色............................................... 2 (一)分工明确 各司其职 ......................................... 2 (二)合理授权 有效监督 .....


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