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Nature Medicine, 2008, 2013, 2010 Bioartificial lung engineering on the basis of perfusion-decellularizedmatrix American Journal of Transplantation 2012 Decellularization and recellularization of mouse heart and an estimate of wall movement 1、细胞连接和细胞粘附的类型; 2、细胞外基质是细胞外空间的纤维网络结构体系,主要成分为:氨基聚糖、蛋白聚糖、胶原与弹性纤维和非胶原蛋白三种类型; 2、各成分具有典型的结构和功能特征,又共同构成了细胞生活的微环境。 小 结 1、细胞连接和细胞粘附黏附的种类。 2、细胞外基质的主要组成成分。 测试题 * * AFM images of (A) a native collagen type I fibril. The banding is clearly visible and amounts to 67nm, the width to 300nm an the height to 20nm. (scalebar 500nm, error signal, contact mode, decanol / end-pH = 6, ca1-acid glycoprotein = 0.2 mg/ml / dialysis time: 17h) (B) native and FLS collagen type I fibrils. The formation is changing along the axis of the fibril. This formation is typical for collagen clusters. (scalebar 500nm, error signal, contact mode, decanol / end-pH = 6, ca1-acid glycoprotein = 0.3 mg/ml / dialysis time: 17h) (C) an intermediate FLS-fibril, assembled with increased a1-acid glycoprotein concentration. (scalebar 500nm, error signal, contact mode, ambient conditions / end-pH = 4.5, ca1-acid glycoprotein = 0.5 mg/ml / dialysis time: 10h) (D) native collagen type II fibrils. The banding is clearly visible and amounts to 70 nm. The diameter of collagen II (110nm in width and 13nm height) is much smaller than the diameter of collagen I. (scalebar 500nm, topography signal, non-contact mode, ambient conditions / end-pH = 6, ca1-acid glycoprotein = 0.2 mg/ml / dialysis time: 17h) 分布于细胞外空间,细胞分泌的由蛋白质和多糖 纤维交错形成的网络胶体结构体系,既是细胞分 泌产物,也是细胞生活的微环境。 细胞外基质定义 : 功能: 对细胞支持、连接、保护、营养 与细胞各种生命活动有关 与组织细胞病理过程有关 (创伤修复、纤维化、细胞恶变侵润转移) 来源:成纤维细胞(主) 特化组织细胞 细胞外基质-细胞形成的整体结构关系 Fibroblasts in connective tissue The connective tissue underlying an epithelium 上皮细胞 基底膜 巨噬细胞 成纤维细胞 蛋白多糖 胶原纤维 弹性纤维 肥大细胞 氨基聚糖和蛋白聚糖 氨基聚糖(glycosaminoglycan,GAG) 氨基己糖和糖醛酸的重复二糖单位构成的直链多糖 葡萄糖醛酸 乙酰氨基葡萄糖 六种类型 ( 糖基连接方式 硫酸化位置): 透明质酸(HA) 4-或6-硫酸软骨素(CS) 硫酸皮肤素(DS) 硫酸角质素


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