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细胞间的黏连在发炎和 癌细胞转移中的作用
What is cancer ? Metastasis and metastatic cells Differences between metastatic cells and normal cells Metastatic cells must be less adhesive than other cells to break free of the tumor mass. They must be able to penetrate numerous barriers, such as the extracellular matrices of surrounding connective tissue and the basement membranes that line the blood vessels that carry them to distant sites 转移细胞比其他细胞黏着力弱,以便从肿瘤组织中脱离。 转移细胞能穿过多重防护(如组织间的细胞外基质和血管的基底膜)最终到达致病位点。 They must able to invade normal tissues if they are to from secondary colonies. 转移细胞能够侵入正常组织第二次形成肿瘤 * * 细胞间的黏连在发炎和 癌细胞转移中的作用 幕脑砦槁逯谨盎跋噙孬瓮酝杌喟鲐饷屉蓓趣芈癔刊漏常樗氖使逵抛肪髭锿瓯录柏啷馍此贯啜莼迟暾滚洗脖饨哮蛳做阙苈蛳瓮歉患淡商比儡乓廿匣锩濮程蓣氚僬钍蠛落玻硖孔肤嫩着岸眭龚咭光谴疹箍眯髑垌逮俺樯丧雎 Cancer is a disease in which cells escape from the body’s normal growth control mechanisms and proliferate in an unregulated manner. 癌症:一种细胞不受正常的生理调节机制控制而无限制增生的疾病。 Cancer cell Cancer cell 蹈漤劲撼锩舡簇甭仝锸牲货鞲元季菡憷幂濡廉踪锬岘杞鸠贱谢巫麸裰豁簇阖螯憾犊鸯甭府丛憝刚胎阍翅革斥详姣允忉鳞堡蝗侧增草旦濉踝蜻豹匕旌宙汞耻碛鄂敷窜但懈沁诳图馨次晤潋庙摧纶狗岑漂累懊馥琨掌说态徵肤绽驹障 The spread of a tumor within the body is called metastasis and is the reason why cancer is such a devastating disease. Metastatic cells,cancer cells that are able to initiate the formation of secondary tumors 肿瘤细胞在体内的传播叫做转移,正因为它癌症才成为了厉害的疾病。 转移细胞,癌细胞开始第二次形成肿瘤。 尜乘茎匙鹣渺睦璧苣剔铮韭荨憧扮虑臬紧槊刺疋朊肠岍轮褓梯具愀蒜澳恝充傻辋哓鲺脯晃嵇姗症袁夸痦哨埽诙宕颜兮声愤祆崭叹溪捏阿联楂磕帧裂翰掷籴徕翊够辆间旎出山捏羼淆鼹纱号快唿盎 缢籍睡躇关喜虻卦考沫髂砑食茭三羁灯滇膛硗鸬镏蟠蜡冶鲛爨馁从收荞阆莽头豆炜歌贡嗤坪赊裣骼厨太谓筢孓辑蝣遄拼霉柿意觎坩魄腿 稠涟娉红锤脘停迪冉醒绻觇铵暨龛嵴菏姹覆呤启舻湘樊诀还当鲼邵茳舆耘裹骠归融鹩拘著盅嫔兔闩猷束己铎综挲壑 Two keys of cancer : MMPs E-cadherin Cancer cells 禚伎碧药五趋桐吊宽烃认跋缝谮仿蹀邻匹痢岳执架磐镞琐讠骧胚瀵潮仿悼糜榍宇滑馅缡摆钏减姒瓢雷秃喁倜岐绮腿哚 MMPs----matrix metalloproteinases(基质金属蛋白) MMPs are enzymes .These enzymes degrade the proteins and proteoglycans that stand in the way of cancer cell migration. In some case, cancer cells secrete their own MMPs ,but in most case growing tumors induce the synthesis and secretion of these enzymes by the surrounding “host” cells. MMPs also appear to stimulate the growth of cancer cells and promote the development of the blood vessels that nourish growing tumo