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本期导读 Nature 文章:水文诱导的基面滑移 导致格陵兰岛冰面湖排水活动 PNAS 文章:平衡中国未来水资源与 粮食安全 Scientific Data 文章公布全球湖泊表 面温度数据库 国务院印发《水污染防治行动计划》 全球生态环境遥感监测 2014 年度 报告发布 2015 年 第2 期(总第8 期) [ 4-6 ] 月 中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所 湖泊与环境国家重点实验室,图书馆 联合编制 湖泊科学动态 (4-6 月) 1. Greenland supraglacial lake drainages triggered by hydrologically induced basal slip 1 2. Early land use and centennial scale changes in lake-water organic carbon prior to contemporary monitoring ... 1 3. Cahokia’s emergence and decline coincided with shifts of flood frequency on the Mississippi River 2 4. Contrasting taxonomic stratification of microbial communities in two hypersaline meromictic lakes 3 5. Relative importance of phosphorus, invasive mussels and climate for patterns in chlorophyll a and primary production in Lakes Michigan and Huron 3 6. Challenges and prospects for interpreting long-term phytoplankton diversity changes in LakeZurich (Switzerland) 4 7. Homogenization of fish assemblages in different lake depth strata at local and regional scales 5 8. Factors influencing nitrogen processing in lakes: an experimental approach 5 9. Profundal benthic invertebrate communities in boreal lakes vary with climate fluctuation 6 10. Phytoplankton response to the environmental and climatic variability in a temperate lake over the last 14,500 years in e


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