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[高等教育]离散数学 第5章 格和布尔代数st
Chapter 5 Lattices Boolean algebra(格与布尔代数) 5.1 Lattices(格的概念) 5.2 Distributive lattices (分配格) 5.3 Complemented Lattices(有补格) 5.4 Boolean algebra (布尔代数) 例题选解 习 题 五 5.1 Lattices(格的概念) 5.1 Lattices(格的概念) 本章将讨论另外两种代数系统——格与布尔代数,它们与群基本不同之处是:格与布尔代数的基集都是一个偏序集。这一序关系的建立及其与代数运算之间的关系是介绍的要点。格是具有两个二元运算的代数系统,它是一个特殊的偏序集,而布尔代数则是一个特殊的格。 在第三章,对偏序集的任一子集可引入上确界(最小上界)和下确界(最大下界)的概念,但并非每个子集都有上确界或下确界,例如在图5.1.1中哈斯图所示的偏序集里,{24,36}没有上确界,{2,3}没有下确界。然而有一些偏序集却有这样一个共同特征,即任意两个元素都有上、下确界(不妨把{a,b}的上(下)确界称为元素a,b的上(下)确界)。例如图5.1.2中哈斯图所示的偏序集。 Definition5.1.1 We call a poset 〈L,〉a lattice provided every subset {x, y} of L has both the least upper bound and the greatest lower bound. 【Example5.1.1】 Let n be a positive integer and , then〈Sn, |〉is a lattice. Because for any x,y ∈ Sn, LUB{x,y}=LCM{x,y}=Least common multiple of {x,y}. GLB{x,y}=GCD{x,y}=Greatest common divisor of {x,y}. The Hasse Diagrams for 〈S8, |〉,〈S6, |〉, and 〈S30, |〉are (a),(b),(c) of graph5.1.2. Here S6={1,2,3,6}, S8={1,2,4,8}, S30={1,2,3,5,6,10,15,30}. If〈L, 〉is a lattice, we can introduce two binary operations ∨ and ∧ on L where a∨b=LUB{a,b}(Least upper bound), a∧b=GLB{a,b}(Greatest lower bound), ∨ and ∧ are called join(并)and meet (交). ∨,∧are binary operations on L. Definition5.1.2 Let 〈L,〉be a lattice, ∨ and ∧ are binary operations of join and meet on L, then the algebraic system 〈L,∨, ∧〉is called an algebraic system induced by 〈L,〉 (由格〈L,〉 所诱导的代数系统). 【Example5.1.3】 (1)Let S be a nonempty set, then〈 〉is a lattice. Since for any B,C ∈ , LUB{B, C}=B∪C, GLB{B, C}= B∩C. i.e., B∨C=B∪C B∧C=B∩C is closed under ∨and ∧, the algebraic system induced by 〈 ,〉is〈 , ∪ , ∩ 〉. (2)Let L be the set of all propositional formulas. Then “”is a partial order on L,and 〈L,〉is a lattice, for