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摘要 仓库作为物流的核心功能之一,在整个物流系统中具有非常重要的作用,是社会物质生产的必要条件。良好的仓库布局环境能够对货物进入下一个环节前的质量起保证作用,对货物进入下一个环节前的质量起保证作用,能够为货物进入市场作好准备。 苏宁电器是在全国电器企业行业中知名度很好的电器企业,在全国各地有许许多多的连锁企业,酒都宜宾也不例外,然而,因为连锁企业只是分销商,许多连锁企业在仓库管理上缺乏完善的仓库管理机制,在设计中我们根据苏宁电器在布局中的功能分区的不明,货物的摆放杂乱,货位的安排不当,部门位置设置不合理,以及通道设计中的不足,我们对其仓库重新进行了总体布局的规划,用ABC分析法对其仓库货位进行了调整,根据通道设计的原则对苏宁电器仓库的主通道、次通道进行了重新的设计,让苏宁电器仓库的布局更合理,从而使仓库内的各项工作实现省时、省力、省成本的目的,给苏宁带来更多的经济利益。 关键词:仓库布局;货位;通道;ABC分析法 Abstract As the core function of logistics warehouse in one of the entire logistics system plays an important role in the social production, is the necessary condition. Good storehouse layout environment for goods into the next link quality assurance in front of the role of goods, enter into a quality assurance in front of the link, to prepare for the goods entering the market. Su ning electric equipment is in the electric enterprise well-knownness good electrical industry, in all parts of the country have lots of chain enterprises, the wine is not exceptional also, however yibin, because the chain enterprises only distributor, many chain enterprises in warehouse management on the lack of perfect warehouse management mechanism in the design, according to the function layout of suning appliance in the division of the unknown, goods rack, put the disorderly arranged undeserved, department set unreasonable, and the position of the channel to the warehouse, we are the general layout planning, warehouse with ABC analysis on the rack is adjusted according to the passage, the principle of design of suning warehouse, one of the passage of the design, make su ning electric equipment of warehouse layout more reasonable, which makes the warehouse work time, manpower and realize the aim, to suning cost more economic benefits. Keywords:Warehouse layout; Rack; Channel; ABC analysis 一、苏宁电器的概况介绍 (一)苏宁电器概况介绍 苏宁电器1990年创立于江苏南京,是中国3C(家电、电脑、通讯)家电连锁零售企业的领先者,是国家商务部重点培育的“全国15家大型商业企业集团”之一。截至2009年,苏宁电器连锁网络覆盖中国大陆30个省,300多个城市、香港和日本地区,拥有1000家连锁店,80多个物流配送中心、3000家售后网点,经营面积500万平米,员工12万多人,年销售规


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