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课题:超声波测距与显示系统设计 专题: 超声波接收处理 专 业 电子信息工程技术 学生姓名 班 级 学 号 指导教师 完成日期 摘 要 在空气介质中超声测距传感器因其性能好,价格低廉、使用方便,在现场机器人定位系统、车辆自动导航、车辆安全行驶辅助系统、城市交通管理和高速公路管理监测系统,以及河道、油井和仓库及料位的探测中都有应用。由于超声波传播不易受干扰,能量消耗缓慢,在介质中传播的距离较远,因而超声波经常用于距离的测量,如测距和物位测量等都可以通过超声波来实现。为此,深入研究超声波的产生与传播规律、开发高性能超声波换能器及其收发电路,对于超声波检测技术的发展具有十分重要的现实意义。 本设计介绍了基于单片机控制的超声测距的原理:由STC89C52控制定时器产生一定频率脉冲,计算从发射到接收回波时间,从而得到实测距离,数据处理采用温度补偿,四位数码管显示距离,ISD1730A语音播报。 Abstract In the air medium, ultrasonic range finder sensor because of its good performance, low price, convenient use, in the field of robot positioning system, automatic vehicle navigation, vehicle safety driving assist system, city traffic management and management of expressway monitoring system, as well as river, well and warehouse and material level detection used in.Because the ultrasonic wave propagation is not susceptible to interference, energy consumption slow, medium of communication in the longer distance, which are often used for ultrasonic distance measurement, such as the location and level measurement can be achieved by ultrasound.Therefore, in-depth study of ultrasonic generation and propagation, the development of high performance ultrasonic transducer and its transceiver circuit, the ultrasonic detection technology development has very important real sense. This article introduces the design of control based on single chip ultrasonic ranging principle: control by STC89C52 timer produces a certain frequency pulse, calculated from transmitting to receiving echo time, so as to obtain the measured distance, data processing using the temperature compensation, four digital tube display distance, ISD1730A voice broadcast. 目 录 摘 要 I Abstract II 第一章 绪论 1 1.1 课题设计目的及意义 1 1.1.1设计的目的 1 1.1.2设计的意义 1 1.2国内外研究动态 1 1.3本课题研究的主要内容 1 第二章 总体方案 3 2.1 方案选择 3 2.2超声波测距仪的设计思路 3 2.2.1 超声波测距原理 3 2.2.2 超声波测距原理框图 4 2.3使用原件选择 4 第三章 系统的硬件结构设计 6 3.1 STC89C5


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