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河北工业大学城市学院 毕业设计说明书 作 者: 沈绍全 学 号: 系: 能源与环境工程 专业: 建筑环境与设备工程 题 目: 天津市某八层综合楼 指导者: 夏国强 讲师 (姓 名) (专业技术职务) 评阅者: 杨华 教授 (姓 名) (专业技术职务) 2012 年 6 月 6 日 毕业设计(论文)中文摘要 综合楼中央空调设计 本工程为天津市某八层综合楼,建筑为多层框架结构,地上8层,包括ktv房,办公室、大小会议室、休息室、会客室、储藏室、餐厅为一体的综合性餐饮娱乐商务综合楼。总建筑面积为约10200平方米。层高4.2米,窗高3米。要求采用空调夏季制冷。设计的空调系统采用风机盘管—新风系统,选用冷机组制冷冻水供冷。 设计的内容包括:选定合适空调系统的类型并确定设计方案,计算部分也十分重要,例如:空调冷负荷的计算;空调系统的划分与系统方案的确定;冷源的选择;风系统的设计与计算;室内送风方式与气流组织形式的选定;水系统的设计、布置与水力计算; 风管系统与水管系统保温层的设计等内容。除此之外,还需要进行空调末端处理设备及机房辅助设备及的选型。需要结合所选择的空调系统的特点及办公楼的建筑结构选择合适的空调机组及末端设备,合理的布置吊顶内风管与水管的位置。并根据所选择的空调机组选配合适的辅助设备:冷冻水循环水泵,冷却水循环水泵,开式水箱,冷却水塔,及相应的水管风管阀门等。 关键词:,中央空调,水冷机组,风机盘管—新风系统 毕业设计(论文)外文摘要 THE CENTRAL AIR-CONDITION OF MULTIPLE-USE BUILDING Abstract The design of central air-conditioning system for the building of a Tianjin company is aimed to get a comfortable working condition indoors. The total area of the building is 10200 m2. The height of the first floor is 4.2 meters,and the other three floor’heights are all 3 meters. The air-condition system is designed to supply cool air in summer, and a fan coil units (FCUs)--fresh air system is selected and central screw water chillers are used to provide the chilling water needed. In winter, the municipal central heating system is used to supply heat and keep official room warm. Some of the main points in this design are given as follows: To design an appropriate air-conditioning system for the building, the overall analysis is important. This includes the calculation, such as cooling load calculation, the estimation of system zoning; the design of air duct system and calculation; the estimation of air distribution method and the selection of relevant equipments; the design of water system and the analysis of its resistance losses; the plan of the insulation of air duct and chilled wa


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