[工程科技]ECBP ACEE project-3 生物多样性-桂林研讨.ppt

[工程科技]ECBP ACEE project-3 生物多样性-桂林研讨.ppt

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[工程科技]ECBP ACEE project-3 生物多样性-桂林研讨

内容提要 Outline 项目背景 Background 项目内容 Content of the project 甘孜生物多样性概况 Overview of biodiversity in Ganzi 甘孜的地理位置 The location of Ganzi 甘孜生物多样性在全国的地位 Biodiversity importance of Ganzi in China 甘孜矿产资源概况 Mineral resources in Ganzi 甘孜矿产资源总体规划 Ganzi mining development plan 矿山生态环境保护与恢复治理规划 Environmental protection and ecological restoration plan 1.矿山生态环境的调查与监测 Ecological and environmental investigation and monitoring 2.新建矿山的生态环境保护 Ecological and environmental protection of the new mines 3.现有和闭坑矿山的生态环境保护 Ecological and environmental protection of exiting and closed mines 4.矿山生态环境恢复治理和土地复垦工程 Ecological restoration and land reclamation 评价重点 The focus of SEA 1.重点评价矿产资源开发利用与保护规划 Focus on Mineral resources exploitation and protection plan 2.完善矿山生态环境保护与恢复治理规划 Improve the Environmental protection and ecological restoration plan 生物多样性评价内容 The content of biodiversity assessment 1.生物多样性现状评价 Biodiversity status assessment 2. 规划勘查区、开发区与生物多样性敏感区域的空间冲突 Confliction between exploration zones, development zones and biodiversity sensitive areas 3.开发活动对重点开发区域的生物多样性影响 Biodiversity impact assessment in key development zones 4.环境保护对策措施 Mitigation measures 生物多样性现状评价 Biodiversity status assessment 资料收集 Data collection 1.生物多样性敏感区域的分布情况 Distribution of biodiversity sensitive areas 2.物种的分布情况 Distributions of species 野外调查 Field survey 1.针对重点开发区域 Focus on key development zones 2.生境变化 Habitat changes 勘查活动对重要栖息地的影响 Impact to main habitats 开发活动对重要栖息地的影响 Impact to main habitats 生物量估算 biomass assessment 景观多样性分析 Analysis of landscape diversity Landscape dominance (example) 对珍稀濒危物种的影响分析 Impact to rare and endangered species 对珍稀濒危物种的影响分析 Impact to rare and endangered species 对珍稀濒危物种的影响分析 Impact to rare and endangered species 对珍稀濒危物种的影响分析 Impact to rare and endangered species 对珍稀濒危物种的影响分析 Impact to rare and endangered species 对珍稀濒危物种的影响分析 Impact to rare and endangered species 对遗传多样性的影响分析 Impact to genetic diversity 其他环境影响 Other environment impact 其他环境影响 Other environment


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