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Slides by X. Zhang Topics Covered Introduction to promotion Promotion mix Promotion mix deciding factors Advertising Personal selling Sales promotion Public relation Introduction It is not enough to have good products sold at attractive prices. To generate sales and profits, the benefits of products have to be communicated to customers. Promotion is, therefore, about companies communicating with customers. Promotion is not only complex, but represents a significant proportion of the total operating expenses of any business. Introduction The aim of promotion is to communicate and create awareness that the business has a product or service that will satisfy an individuals needs. Unless the market is made aware that the product exists, then all the costs and decisions made in creating the product will have been for nothing. The combination of the promotional tools is called the promotion mix, which is a range of promotional options based on the needs of the marketplace and the characteristics of the product. It includes direct advertising, personal selling by sales representatives, sales promotion and premiums, direct marketing, public relations, and sponsorship Promotion Objectives Inform Management may need to make their audience aware that their product exists, and to explain exactly what it does. This is a particularly important objective for new products Persuade An important stage in creating favorable attitudes towards the business and its brands. Through persuasive promotion, management will seek to persuade customers and the trade that their brand has benefits that are superior to competitors Image creation Sometimes, promoting a brand image is the only way to create differentiation in the mind of the consumer. Reassurance Much promotion (particularly advertising) is about reassuring customers that they have made the right choice and encouraging them to stay loyal to a brand. Promotion Mix A business total marketing communications progra


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