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心理学(家)的特点? Empiricism Theoretical diversity Socio_historical context Multifactorial causation Cultural heritage Heredity and environment Subjectivity and experience 本章的主要内容 智力测验 测验的一般概念 智力测验的进化 智力测验的基本问题 极端智力 智力迟缓 智力超常 智力发展 遗传的作用 环境的作用 文化的作用 智力测量与研究的新方向 问题 智力测验有什么用? 如何判断一个智力测验? 智力迟缓是否先天决定? 天才是“白痴”? IQ能决定什么? 。。。。 Types of Test Mental ability(心理能力) Personality(人格) Mental ability tests Intelligence tests (智力测验) 一般心理能力:信息加工的速度/深度与准确性; Aptitude tests(才能测验) 某一类心理潜能(specific): verbal reasoning, numerical reasoning, abstract reasoning, perceptual speed and accuracy, mechanical, spelling, language usage… Achievement tests(成就测验) 已学习过的知识的掌握程度 Personality tests Personality traits (人格特质) Personality scale (人格量表) instead of test Psychological test is a standardized(标准化) measure of a sample of a person’s behavior. Uniform administration; Uniform scoring; Norm (常模)_M,SD Standardization group(标准化群体) Reliability(信度) Correlation coefficient(相关系数) Test-Retest reliability (再测信度) Practice effect Alternative or parallel forms reliability (复本信度)(A、B卷) Split-half reliability (分半信度)/内在一致性信度(internal consistency reliability) Above 0.70 Validity(效度) The ability of a test to measure what it is designed to measure Content validity(内容效度) Achievement test/educational test Criterion-related validity(效标关联效度) 预测能力(aptitude test) Construct validity(结构效度) Abstract personal qualities, such as creativity, intelligence, extraversion Hypothetical construct (假设的结构) 信度 VS 效度 Sir Francis Galton (1869) 高尔顿 Family tree studies Sensory test Reaction time, sensitivity to high-pitched sounds, color perception, etc.. Correlated with school or professional performance; Correlation(相关), percentile test score(比例分). 高尔顿有关智力测量的主要思想 智力可定量 个体差异呈钟型曲线 可由客观测验测得 两套测验成绩之间的相 关程度可通过统计分析确定 智力由遗传决定; Alfred Binet (比纳) and Theodore Simon (1905) 西蒙 测验内容:判断和推理等抽象思维(非机械记忆力); Mental age How to collect items? 60% pass in the group. 比奈-西蒙测验的特点 测验分数是当前操作的评估,并非对天生智力的评估; 测验是为了更好地分班和教育,并非为了污蔑他们; 强调训练可以影响智力发展; 依据经验编制测验--



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