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欧美电影排行榜 European and American movie rankings This has nothing to do with love, but betrayal. There is only the men in the friendship between prison. Red and Andy kind of friendship placed in high walls under, seems the numerous earthly than our friendship comes more pure and clean. They are inside collect, however, mind all agree with. Insight I like this kind of sentiment. So they finally meet in the Pacific island of sunshine, beach on one couldnt help laughing. 此片无关爱情,除了背叛。有的只是监狱中的男人间的友谊。Red 和 Andy 的那种友谊置放在高墙之下,似乎比我们纷繁俗世中的友情来得更加纯粹和干净。他们都是内敛的人,然而洞悉一切,心意契合。我喜欢这种感情。所以在他们终于相会在太平洋小岛的阳光沙滩之上的时候,忍不住一人笑了。 如果我在肖申克,我会是谁?如果你在肖申克,你又会是谁?肖申克的救赎,十年散记。 Such as painting like beauty, mixed passing through the night shadow, red sea endless sentimental sweet and bright, the dolphins smile everlasting perdition. All the people will therefore and sad. This is a global era, this is a global village, no one knows how the economy behind deep water. This world hides in prosperous apathy, abundance behind the dark, human nature is behind those beautiful good love, alienated to media displayed nothing else, obsessed with modern lie gets. 如油画般的美景,交杂闪过的暗夜的影,赤色的海水流不尽悲情,海豚甜美和光明的微笑万劫不复。所有的人都会为此而难过。 这是一个全球化的时代,这是一个地球村,没有人知道经济的背后水有多深。这个世界繁盛背后深藏着冷漠,丰饶背后是人性的阴暗,那些美的善的爱的,异化为媒体展现出的镜花水月,一场场痴迷现代人的谎话。 Each seen forrest gump will get some feeling: life is like the air, or beat white feathers in combat, or with the breeze, or soar the skies, or falling deep... I think the story of forrest gump is simply a typical American, his growth process and is just what we experience, he makes us clearly review past history. He is a good man, can make tears can also make people laugh. - Hollywood producer Wendy ferrer mann 每个看过《阿甘正传》的人都会从中得到些许感悟:生命就像那空中白色的羽毛,或迎风搏击,或随风飘荡,或翱翔蓝天,或堕入深渊…… 我觉得故事里的阿甘简直就是典型的美国人,他的成长过程又正好是我们所经历的,他使我们清晰地回顾过去的历史。他是个好人,能令人落泪也能逗人发笑。 ——好莱坞制片人 温迪·费勒曼 Number six 教父 The Godfather Number seven 天堂电影院 Nuovo cinema Paradiso Number eight 乱世佳


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