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(6学时) 地层学原理与研究方法 Principles and Study Methods of stratigraphy William Smith The Farther of stratigraphy 第三章地层系统与地质年代 Chapter 3 Stratigraphic System and Geochronology 3.1 地层的概念与地层叠覆律 Concepts of strata and the law of strata superposition 3.2 地层接触关系及其地质意义 Contact relationships between strata and their significance in geology 3.3 地层划分与对比 Stratigraphic Subdivision and Correlation 3.4 多重地层单位和两类地层系统 Multiple-folded stratigraphic units and two types of stratigraphic systems 3.1 Concepts of Strata and the Law of Strata Superposition What is stratigraphy? 研究成层岩石空间分布、形成时间顺序及其成因环境的一门 科学;是地质学的基础分支学科。 Where-space When-time Why-origin STRATIGRAPHY. from Latin stratum + Greek graphia, is the study of all rock bodies forming the Earths crust and their organization into distinctive, useful, mappable units based on their inherent properties or attributes in order to establish their distribution and relationship in space and their succession in time, and to interpret geologic history. ROCK LAYER (岩层)-a general term for layered rock, including sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic rocks. STRATA (地层)-the layered rocks which has forming sequence, age and can constitute mappable units. Stratum (plural=strata) Tabular or sheet-like mass, or a single and distinct layer, of homogeneous or gradational sedimentary material of any thickness, virtually separated from other layers above and below by a discrete change in the character of the material deposited or by a sharp physical break in deposition, or by both. The term is sometimes, but not generally, applied to Stratum is a layer of rock characterized by layered igneous rocks particul


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