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德明學報 第三十八卷第二期 民國103 年 12 月pp.1-12 周密《武林舊事》中的臨安酒文化 周密 《武林舊事》中的臨安酒文化 Wine Affairs in LinAn City of Tales of WuLin 鄭雅芬 Ya-Fen Cheng 國立臺北教育大學 語文與創作學系碩士班 Graduate Student, Department of Language and Creative Wrigint National Taipei University of Education. 摘要 周密是宋末元初著名的詞人兼學者,宋元變革後,一生未仕,積極投身於故國文化之蒐羅、匯整與 著述。作為隱逸思想影響下的代表文人,《武林舊事》正是周密筆記作品中最為重要的一部 。書中豐富記 述了南宋臨安都城生活的各個面向。綜覽《武林舊事》中散列於各卷裡的酒事書寫,空間視角起自皇室 宮廷裡;延伸至市井百姓中;拓展至文人雅士間。時間視角涵括宮內的內苑習俗與民間的歲時節令。 出 現比例之高,牽涉範圍之廣,顯有其討論的價值。酒事雖未被獨立於一卷中詳加敘寫,但提取出各卷內 所隱含的酒事文化,並以之為「斷片」進行相互連結與分析,我們可以發現 — 「酒」成為了瞭解當代社 會的一種媒介與證物。 本文主要將從物質文化的概念出發,並以文化地理學做為參考架構,從宮廷裡的酒禮儀典、市井中 的酒肆型態、文人間的酒宴遊藝三種面向,探析《武林舊事》一書中的臨安酒事 。希冀藉由此一討論, 拓展書中酒事文化的深層 義涵 ,讓南宋臨安城內的種種 空間現象,在客觀的自然與人為地景中,得以跨 越時間與空間的消逝與異變,建構、凝聚起「歷久」的「地方」感,並以之架構起一扇對當代理解的視 窗 。 關 鍵詞:周密、武林舊事、物質文化 、酒事、斷片 Abstract ZhouMi was well - known as a scholar in the late Song Dynasty and early Yuan dynasty. After the fall of Southern Song Dynasty, he didn’t work as a government official. ZhouMi, a famous one among members of the literati, made efforts to gather Southern Song Dynasty materials for a new tome. Tales of WuLin was the most important opuscule of the huaben of ZhouMi, and written records showed the all aspects of the life Of LiAan city in the Southern Song Dynasty. A lot of chapters of the manual discoursed about the historical evolution of the wine including dialogue in imperial palace, folk tales, and conversation of intellectual men. Because innumerable writings had been written on wine culture in the book, it was worth to be discussed. Although wine culture was not a chapter in Tales of WuLin, these wine affairs as fragments will be examined in more detail in each chapter. When the fragments were combined with each others


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