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[General Information] 书名=新概念英语自学指南与实战 (第2册) 作者=张建成主编 页数=346 出版社=北京市:东方出版社 出版日期=2004.02 SS号 DX号=000005106535 URL=/bookDetail.js p?dxNumber=000005106535d=8F1BF2E7964AF1EBC 7D445F 封面 书名 版权 前言 目录 目录 Lesson 1 A private conversation私人谈话 Lesson 2 Breakfast or lunch?早餐还是午餐? Lesson 3 Please send me a card请给我寄一张明信 片 Lesson 4 An exciting trip激动人心的旅行 Lesson 5 No wrong numbers无错号之虞 Lesson 6 Percy Buttons珀西·巴顿斯 Lesson 7 Too late为时太晚 Lesson 8 The best and the worst最好的和最差的 Lesson 9 A cold welcome冷遇 Lesson 10 Not for jazz不适于演奏爵士乐 Lesson 11 One good turn deserves anoth er礼尚往来 Lesson 12 Godbye and good luck再见,一路顺风 Lesson 13 The Greenwood Boys绿林少年 Lesson 14 Do you speak English?你会讲英语吗? Lesson 15 Good news佳音 Lesson 16 A polite request彬彬有礼的要求 Lesson 17 Always young青春常驻 Lesson 18 He often does this!他经常干这种事! Lesson 19 Sold out票已售完 Lesson 20 One man in a boat独坐孤舟 Lesson 21 Mad or not?是不是疯了? Lesson 22 A glass envelope玻璃信封 Lesson 23 A new house新居 Lesson 24 It could be worse不幸中之万幸 Lesson 25 Do the English speak English ?英国人讲的是英语吗? Lesson 26 The best art critics最佳美术评论家 Lesson 27 A wet night雨夜 Lesson 28 No parking禁止停车 Lesson 29 Taxi!出租汽车! Lesson 30 Football or polo?足球还是水球? Lesson 31 Success story成功者的故事 Lesson 32 Shopping made easy购物变得很方便 Lesson 33 Out of the darkness冲出黑暗 Lesson 34 Quick work破案“神速” Lesson 35 Stop thief!捉贼! Lesson 36 Across the Channel横渡海峡 Lesson 37 The Olympic Games奥林匹克运动会 Lesson 38 Everything except the weathe r惟独没有考虑到天气 Lesson 39 Am I all right?我是否痊愈? Lesson 40 Food and talk进餐与交谈 Lesson 41 Do you call that a hat?你把那个叫 帽子吗? Lesson 42 Not very musical并非很懂音乐 Les



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