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* 我们坚持网络营销实战经验分享 我们坚持面向广大企业实际需求 SEM返璞归真 -- 有哪些信誉好的足球投注网站营销的真谛 互联网广告的三大演进 有哪些信誉好的足球投注网站营销的真谛 有哪些信誉好的足球投注网站 – 科技 – 就是竞争力 营销 – 实践 – 是检验真理的唯一标准 ? 有哪些信誉好的足球投注网站营销是科技与实践的结合,并以真正解决营销挑战为目的! ? 这里的营销挑战明确而言就是精准营销 ? 精准营销又是可以明确衡量的,但必须同时具备 ? 覆盖能力 ? 时效性 ? 精确性 - 有哪些信誉好的足球投注网站营销的真谛是理解 并发现关键词和关键词背后所隐含的受众意图 的关联性,并以此为线索而展开的精准营销实践。 有哪些信誉好的足球投注网站营销的返璞归真 ? 有哪些信誉好的足球投注网站营销最核心的竞争力“关键词研究” ? 后台,准确可信赖的关键词数据仓库 ? 前台,有好的关键词分析应用程序 ? 勤奋好学的SEMer ? 行业规律和竞争分析 ? 词的研究成果,变成合理的分组 ? 待验证的挑战 ? 长尾词的覆盖对绩效的影响 ? 最佳的多词组合 关键词研究的举例 Keyword Wizard ? The Keyword Wizard takes you through many of Ad Intelligence’s core features ? The Wizard is an easy way to familiarize yourself with many of the benefits of Ad Intelligence ? Generate keyword lists and associated data from a list of terms, from a URL, and/or from a vertical group – rapidly build out relevant keyword lists right inside of Excel 9 Keyword Extraction ? Find keywords relevant to specific URLs ? Use this to: – Generate ideas for keyword landing page targets – Generate ideas for content build out based on keyword/page relevancy – Easily compare metadata to relevant keywords by URL ? Default results give 15 keywords per URL (maximum result set is 100, to be set in the Advanced Algorithm, or Options tabs) ? Data is not cached so it is collected on demand ? Maximum of 200 URLs can be run in a single query 10 Keyword Suggestion: Campaign Association ? This will show keywords that are likely to be used in campaigns that include your core keyword(s) ? Use this to: – Research keywords based on words included in competitive campaigns using your core keyword(s) – Generate new keyword suggestions for possible campaign inclusion – Research the competitive landscape in a general sense ? Default results return a maximum of 50 keywords (if there are 50 keyword suggestions available) ? Results will not be returned if it is deemed that there are too few competitors in the keyword landscape ? Data is updated quarterly 11 Keyword Suggestion: Contained ? Suggests keywords that contain the core term ? Use this to: – Build


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