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Lesson 59 Is that all? 就这些吗? New words and expressions envelope n. 信封 writing paper n. 信纸 shop assistant n. 售货员 size n. 尺寸,尺码,大小 pad n. 信笺簿 glue n. 胶水 chalk n. 粉笔 change n. 零钱 Language points envelope n. 信封,封皮,外壳 I folded the letter and then put it into the envelope. 我把信折好后放进信封里。 Address an envelope and put the letter in it. 把地址写在信封上,把信装进信封里。 Please write down your name on the reverse side of the envelope. 请在信封的背面写下你的名字。 2. envelop vt. 包围,包住; 笼罩,遮盖 envelop sth/sb. in sth. 包住 某人,某事物 mountains enveloped in clouds 隐没在云中的群山 A baby is enveloped in a blanket. 婴儿被毛毯包裹着。 The coat was too big for him—it completely enveloped him. 大衣太大,把他整个包了起来。 3. assistant n. 1) 助手,助理 Kalan called his assistant, Hans, to take over while he went out. 考兰叫助理汉斯在自己外出时代理其职。 The salesman had been accompanied to the meeting by an assistant. 营销人员在助手的陪同下参加了会议。 She had a clerical assistant to do her paperwork. 她让助手帮她做文书工作。 2) 店员;售货员 The assistant took the book and checked the price on the back cover. 店员拿起书,核对了一下封底的定价。 She got a job as a sales assistant selling handbags. 她得到了一份手提包售货员的工作。 4. assist vt. 帮助; 援助; vi. 援助; 出席 Julia was assisting him to prepare his speech. 朱莉娅正在帮他准备讲演稿。 The family decided to assist me with my chores. 全家人决定帮助我做家务。 Dr Amid was assisted by a young Asian nurse. 阿米德医生的助手是一位年轻的亚裔护士。 Well assist at your wedding. 我们将出席你们的婚礼。 You assist him in correcting the proof. 你辅助他做修改校样的工作。 He will assist you to complete the task. 这项任务由他辅助你去完成。 He asked us to assist him in carrying through their plan. 他要我们帮助他实施他们的计划。 5. size n. 大小,尺寸; 规模 In 1970 the average size of a French farm was 19 hectares. 1970 年,法国农场的平均规模为 19 公顷。 Iraq itself has oil reserves second in size only to Saudi Arabias. 伊拉克本身的石油储量在世界上居第二位,仅次于沙特阿拉伯。 My sister is the same height but only a size 12. 我姐姐是一样的身高,不过只穿 12 号的。 I tried them on and they were the right size. 我试穿了一下,大小正合适。 Id like to change this dress for one in a larger size. 我想把这件衣服换成大号的。 They decreased the size o


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