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Task 1 Reporting school activities Skill building 1: Understanding a programme How to complete a school programme timetable? 1)九月二十一日 21st Sept / 21Sept/ Sept.21 2)十月三日 3rd Oct / 3 Oct/ Oct.3 3)上午八点五十 8.50a.m/08.50 4)三号楼205室 Room205, Building3 Listening I : A famous scientist will visit several high schools. As a school newspaper reporter, you are asking him about his programme for next week. Skills building 3 : writing a notice What is a notice? Notice ? A notice is a piece of paper which gives written or printed information before something is going to happen. It is usually put in a public place. What’s the important information in a notice? time, dates, events, person that issues it, etc. Or : When? Where? Who ? What ? etc. Translate the following sentences: 1.activities to be done 要做的活动 2.things to be achieved 要达成的事情 3.be presented in short form 以简短形式呈现 4.save space 节省空间 5.ask sb. about his/her programme for next week 向……询问下周的计划/安排 6.make comparisons 作比较 7. 历史书的一部分 8.定购一份 Language Points 1. The more choices you have, the better your choices will be. 你越努力,取得的进步就越大。 ______ ______ you work, _____ _____ __________ you will make. 1)我懊悔没有早点出发。 I ________ _______ _____started off earlier. 2) 我很抱歉,不能帮你。 I ______ _____ ______that I can’t help you. 3)他为自己的决定懊悔不已。 He__________ ______ ____________. 4) 注意你的言辞,否则你会后悔的。 Pay attention to what you are saying, ______you may_______ _____. 5) 她为自己没有上大学而遗憾。 She __________ _______she didn’t go to college. 3.通知某人某事 inform sb. of /about sth. sb. /that clause keep sb. informed of /about sth 使某人得知… sb. be informed of 听说; 接到...的通知 1)他告诉了我你的决定。 He ___________ _____ _____your decision. 2)他向警方报案说一些钱不见了。 He __________ _______ ______that some money_____ ________. 3)你能告诉我该干什么吗? Can you________ ____ ________ I am going to do? 4)在他父母来之前,不要让他们得知这个噩耗. ____ _____ ___ _______ _______ ______that bad new


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