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Unit 1 问候语: Hello! Hi! Good morning! Good afternoon! Good evening! Good night! How are you? I’m fine. Thanks. And you? Fine. Thank you! How (what ) about you? Nice to meet. Nice to meet you, too. map orange jacket quilt pen ruler bed desk pillow UNIT2 主要句型 What’s this/that in English? It’s a pen… Spell it. /How do you spell it? P-E-N. bike clock chair book green yellow blue orange black white brown purple pink 请在最快的时间内辨认出各种颜色。 What color is the pear? It’s green. 比一比 每个人将得到一张上面写着颜色的小纸片,当老师念到你手中的颜色时,请用最快的速度站起来,并念出该颜色的英文读法。比如我说:“黄色stand up“,持该颜色纸条的同学请赶快站起来喊出”yellow”,最快的同学可为你组赢得1分! drawing 每组上来一个同学,用粉笔画出老师指定的事物,比如花草等等,上来的同学可以用自己喜欢的颜色来画,画完后回位并回答老师的一个简单小问题。 Simple question The colours of the interlinked Olympic rings were chosen by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) , to represent the union of the 5 continents . 国际奥委会选择五个相连的圆环作为其标志,并选择了相应的色彩。五个圆环代表五大洲 Blue =Europe Yellow =Asia Black =Africa Green =Australia Red =America 看图,用所学句型写对话! What’s this in English? It’s an apple. How can you spell it ( the watch )? A-P-P-L-E. What color is it? It’s red. Be: am is are (是) I 跟 am, You 跟 are, Is 跟着他,她,它。 单数用 is, 复数用 are. 练习 I ___ a student. What ___ your names? There ___ two birds in the tree. You ___ my best friend. My sister ___ a bank clerk. My parents ___ going to Shanghai next week. What ___ that in English? * key this that computer red


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