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中考冲刺高频词汇必背 A bit of—一些—修饰不可数名词 A bit修饰形容词=a little—I am a little tired我有点累 A few—一些—修饰可数名词复数形式表示肯定 Few—修饰可数名词表示否定—little修饰不可数表示否定 Five years ago五年前—用在一般过去时 A moment ago刚刚=just now 一般过去时—动作类结构:主语+did sth—状态类结构:主语+was/were +… Go shopping去购物 I will take it我将买下它 Buy sb sth=buy sth for sb给某人买东西 Cook dinner for sb为某人做饭 An assistant cook副厨 A shop assistant店员 A waste of time浪费时间 Stop the earth running away阻止水土流失- we should At the bus stop在汽车站 Earth地球 土—on earth到底 究竟—what on earth do you want to know? Land 陆地 着陆---mother land祖国 Stop to do sth停下来去做另外一件事 Stop doing sth停止做某事 After class课后 First-class一流的 A five-star hotel一个五星级饭店=a five stars’ hotel Take after和…长的很像 Look after照顾 It is very kind of you你太好了 All kinds of 各种各样 All the same仍然 All the time永远 一直=for ever And so on等等 Ask for advice请教 Advise sb to do sth建议某人做某事 Ask for leave请假 Leave for sp去某地 Leave sp离开某地 Have breakfast吃早餐 Have lunch吃午饭 Have supper吃晚饭 Have dinner吃正餐 At last终于 最后 Last time上一次 Last for two hours持续两个小时 At midnight在午夜 At once立刻=right away At the moment目前 In a moment立刻 马上—用在一般将来时 The moment一..就=as soon as—引导时间状语从句 Take advice=accpet one’s advice接受建议 At the back of 在…的后面 At the same time同时 Be at work在工作 It doesn’t work出毛病 Work it out动副短语 代词作宾语 放在中间 Be afraid to do sth害怕做某事 Be busy doing sth忙于做某事 Be careful=take care 小心 Take care of照顾 Be free=have time空闲 Free:空闲的 免费的 自由的 Fight for freedom为自由而战 Be different from 和…不同 I am full我吃饱了 Be full of tears充满泪水 Be about to do sth即将要做某事—表示一般将来时 一般将来时:主语+will/shall/be going to+do sth Be ill=be sick生病 Illness疾病=sickness=disease Homesick想家的 Be in=be at home在家 Be out在外 Be in hospital在住院 Be in the hospital在医院工作 Be late for class上课迟到 Be absent from school旷课 Be over结束 Be/get ready for为..做准备 Prepare for为..做准备 Be tired out累透了 Police station派出所 Space station太空站 By car乘坐小汽车—介词短语 Take a car to sp开车去某地—独立作谓语 By the way顺便问一下 Ask the way问路 Give the way指路 Catch the early bus赶上早班车 Come over过来 Come out花开了 芽发了 出版 Dining room餐厅 Do some housework做家务 Do morning exercies做早操 Do some cooking做饭


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