[医学]01损 伤翻译.ppt

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[医学]01损 伤翻译

病理学图鉴 pathology graph 细胞、组织的适应和损伤 Cell, tissue adaptation and injury 肾压迫性萎缩 oppressive atrophia of cardia 肉眼观:失去正常光泽,变混浊; 缺乏正常组织弹性,组织回缩不良; 没有正常血液供应,摸不到血管搏动, 局部温度降低,切割不流血; 失去正常触觉、痛觉及运动机能等。 Observing from eyes:losing nomalbrightness, changing to cloudiness; lack elasticity of nomal tissue, tissue recovery is bad; Lack nomal blood supply , can not feel artery impulse; temperature bring down in part, it don’t bleed when cut off ; Losing nomal taction、pain and motion sickness ,and sso on. 肾凝固性坏死 coagulability necroses of cardia 镜下观:坏死组织的细胞结构消失,但组织结构的轮廓依然保存。图中可见肾小球、肾小管以及血管等的轮廓仍可辨认。 observe from mirror :cellular structure of necrotic tissue diappear, but the outlinef tissue still keep.in photo, we can recognize the outline of glomerule、renal tubules and artery . 肾凝固性坏死 coagulability necroses of cardia 镜下观:坏死组织的细胞结构消失,但组织结构的轮廓依然保存。图中可见肾小球、肾小管以及血管等的轮廓仍可辨认。 observe from mirror :cellular structure of necrotic tissue diappear, but the outlinef tissue still keep.in photo, we can recognize the outline of glomerule、renal tubules and artery . It is one part of encephalic tissue,we can see needle tip –cavity in cinerea of cerebrum,it form when fluid sphacelus outflow . 液化性坏死 colliquative necrosis 镜下观:坏死组织的细胞结构消失,组织结构的轮廓不存。 observe from mirror: cytoarchitacture of necrotic tissue disappear,outline of tissue don’t exist. 脑 软 化 emolliate of brain Outline of cardia still exist,but caryon disappear,it is necroses of coagulability. There are big and small vacuole in hepar tissue,it is adipose in these vacuoles,it was dissolved during making photo. 10×10 肝细胞内出现大小不等的脂滴(→),当脂滴融合变大时,细胞核被挤压位于细胞边缘处 肝细胞脂肪变性 fatty degeneration of hepatocyte 肝细胞脂肪变性 fatty degeneration of hepatocyte 肝脂肪变性 (苏丹Ⅲ染色) fatty degeneration of hepar (sudan Ⅲ-dye ) We ca


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