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R语言 COMPANY LOGO 纲要 何为R语言 何为R软件 R语言与健康信息统计 R软件的下载、安装和使用 卫生统计的具体应用案例 实际动手操作 何为R语言 R 语言是一种为统计计算和图形显示而设计的语言环境 R 也可以理解是一种基于S 语言的开放性统计编程环境 何为R语言 R 是由奥克兰大学统计学系的 Ross Ihaka 和Robert Gentleman 共同创立,由他们和Bill Venables 以及大批无私志愿奉献者共同发展维护 何为R语言 由于 R 受美国贝尔实验室 Becker, Chambers Wilks 创立的 S 和 Sussman 的 Scheme两种语言的影响,所以 R 看起来和 S 语言非常相似 S语言也是目前三大流行统计软件之一,S-PLUS的基础 何为R软件 是基于R 语言的一套完整的数据处理、统计计算和制图软件系统。 其功能包括:数据存储和处理系统;数组运算工具(其向量、矩阵运算方面功能尤其强大);完整连贯的统计分析工具;优秀的统计制图功能;简便而强大的编程语言:可操纵数据的输入和输入,可实现分支、循环,用户可自定义功能。 目前可议下载到的必威体育精装版软件版本 R-2.11.1 for Windows (32 bit / 64 bit build) 何为R软件 “R is really important to the point that it’s hard to overvalue it . It allows statisticians to do very intricate and complicated analyses without knowing the blood and guts of computing systems.” said Daryl Pregibon, a research scientist at Google, which uses the software widely 何为R软件 What makes R so useful — and helps explain its quick acceptance — is that statisticians, engineers and scientists can improve the software’s code or write variations for specific tasks. Packages written for R add advanced algorithms, colored and textured graphs and mining techniques to dig deeper into databases. 《Data Analysts Captivated by R’s Power》 Ashlee Vance 何为R软件 “The great beauty of R is that you can modify it to do all sorts of things,and you have a lot of prepackaged stuff that’s already available, so you’re standing on the shoulders of giants.” said Hal Varian, chief economist at Google 何为R软件 “R has really become the second language for people coming out of grad school now, and there’s an amazing amount of code being written for it, you can look on the SAS message boards and see there is a proportional downturn in traffic.” said Max Kuhn, associate director of nonclinical


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