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Different Connotations of Color Words in Chinese and English White in Chinese and English Blue in Chinese and English Black in Chinese and English Red in Chinese and English Green in Chinese and English White in Chinese 1, In ancient China,white is seen as inanimate,and a symbol of death and bad omen. 白事 funeral 白色灵堂 white mourning hall 白幡 white pennant 白虎 white tiger (evil spirit) 白虎星 white tiger jinx/evil spirit (women who bring bad luck to men) 2, In feudalist society,white symbolizes lacking of knowledge and fame, so it is considered as the color of common people. 白丁 illiterate person 白衣, 白身 common person 白面书生 inexperienced scholars 3, In politics, white symbolizes decay, reaction and backward. 白专道路 autocratic 白色恐怖 4, White symbolizes failure, low intelligence and beneficiallessness. 白旗 white flag 白痴 idiot 白忙, 白费力, 白干 all for nothing, in vain 唱白脸 play the villain White in English 1, White is the color of snow, fresh milk, lily and other beautiful things, so it often connotes pureness and elegancy. a white soul 纯洁的心灵 white wedding dress 新娘穿白礼服的婚礼 2, White symbolizes fairness and honesty, as well as legality and good intention. (3)They treated us white. 他们公正地对待我们. (4)Sometimes we are forced to tell white lies. 有时,我们被迫要讲些无恶意的谎言 3, White is regarded as a sign of good luck and auspiciousness. (5)He is the white-headed boy of the new generation. 他是新一代中的宠儿 (6)ln his youth, he was treated as the white hope of the American theater. 他在青年时期就被认为是能为美国戏剧界带来荣誉的人。 Different Connotations of Color blue in Chinese and English 蓝色(blue) 在中国文化中蓝象征意义较少,但“蓝”相当于“青”。“青” can be regarded as a combination of green and blue Comparatively speaking,“blue” has more connotations in English. 阿斯海姆在评析蓝色时说: “蓝色象水那样清凉。”是“阴性或消极的颜色”; Blue can be seen as a noble, graceful color; moreover, it can indicate depression and frustration Blue can indicate something filth. Eg. blue movie,blue talk, blue revolution (性解放运动) Blue can indicate a sudden thing Eg. out of the blue,(晴天霹雳) blue s


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