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By connotativization(引伸化): 交情很深(intimate friendship) 关系很深(close relationship) 意思很深(profound thought) 功课很深(abstruse lessons) By Verbalization(动词化): 端正态度(correct one’s attitude) 纯洁思想(clean one’s thought) 明确目的(make one’s aim definite) 乐 (le) adj.; 快乐 (happy) 乐 (yue)n.; 音乐 (music) 乐 (yao)v.; 仁者乐山,智者乐水The good find pleasure in the hill, while the wise find it in the streams. There are no-subject sentences in Chinese; as “ 下雨了”,“还早”,“离北京不远”,etc. Such construction is familiar to us Chinese, no subject being necessary here. But there is no such conception in the minds of the English-speaking people. “ It is raining”, “It is still early”, “It is not far from Beijing” It is with words as with sunbeams; the more they are condensed, the deeper they burn. 文字像日光一样:愈精炼,愈有力。 It is not in him to be depended upon in time of danger. 危急时候此人靠不住。 It is not in gold to be oxidized. 黄金不会氧化。 There are always more round pegs than round holes. 僧多粥少。 There are friends and friends. 朋友有各种各样的。 There are lees to every wine. 白圭有玷。 山中无老虎,猴子称霸王, In the land of blind, the one-eyed man is king. 开门红 making a good beginning 天网恢恢,疏而不漏 Justice has long arms. A thousand mustaches can live together, but not four breasts. 千条汉子能相处,两个婆娘难相容。 This is an “egg-and- hen”question. 这是一个长期争论不休的问题。 It was an old and ragged moon. 这是一弯下弦的残月。 The alternatives are now clear to see. 现在有两条路清楚地摆在我们的 Unemployment has stubbornly refused to contract for more than a decade. 失业人数总是居高不下,已经有十多个年头了 He was seized with the despairing sense of his helplessness. L.他被束手无策的绝望感觉抓住了。 F. 他忽然产生了束手无策的绝望感觉。 The communiqué stirred a belated reaction. L.公报引起了过晚的反应。 F. 公报发表后迟迟才有反映。 The bitter weather had driven everyone indoors. L.寒峭的天气已经把每个人赶到室内。 F. 天寒冻峭,人人都躲在室内。 The explanation is pretty thin. 这种解释很单薄。 这种解释十分牵强。 这里百嶂千峰,石林峥嵘,瀑布飞泉,幽谷奇洞,被人们称为风景明珠。 This place has odd peaks, fantastic rocks, water-falls and springs, and aboriginal caves. It is praised by the people as a scenic pearl. It comes


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