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2006年全国中学生英语能力竞赛(NEPCS)初赛初三年级组试题 ★清华大学★英语系测试:为中小学生英语量身定做. 官方网站:/ 清华大学英语教授研究组提供 2006年全国中学生英语能力竞赛(NEPCS)初赛初三年级组试题 I. 听辨单词(Words) (共5小题,计5分) ??? 从下列各组单词中选出所听句子中含有的那个选项。每个句子只读一遍。(答案涂在答题纸上) 1. A. persons????? B. presents?????? C. percent????????? D. parents 2. A. buying?????? B. bringing?????? C. boring?????????? D. burning 3. A. language?????B. teenage??????? C. sandwich???????? D. passage 4. A. post???????? B. missed???????? C. must???????????? D. made 5. A. violin?????? B. engineer???????C. volunteer??????? D. pioneer II. 句子理解(Sentences) (共5小题,计5分) ??? 从下列各组句子中选出与你所听到的句子所表达的意思相同或相近的选项。每句只读一遍。(答案涂在答题纸上) 6. A. Alice couldnt wait to take the exam this morning. ?? B. Alice felt nervous because she was afraid to take the exam. ?? C. Alice couldnt take the exam because she hadnt prepared for it. ?? D. Alice gets angry every time before taking her exams. 7. A. There was an animal cartoon on TV yesterday morning. ?? B. We went to see the animals in the zoo yesterday. ?? C. The animal documentary we saw last night was fun. ?? D. It was the most interesting animal show we had ever seen. 8. A. He played a famous doctor in a film. ?? B. The popular show hasnt made him famous. ?? C. He is known for making popular films. ?? D. He is famous and he acts in a popular show. 9. A. Lucy was very sick when she was in England. ?? B. Lucy worked hard when she was away from home. ?? C. Lucy missed her family a lot while she was abroad. ?? D. Lucy enjoyed her life when she was studying in England. 10. A. Anna is careful not to eat any unhealthy food. ????B. Anna eats everything that she likes. ????C. Anna wants to keep fit by eating less food. ????D. Anna never eats when she drives. III. 对话理解(Dialogues) (共10小题,计10分) ??? A) 你将分别听到五段小对话,针对每段对话将提出一个问题,从下面各组图片中选出能回答所提问题的最佳选项。对话及问题读两遍。(答案涂在答题纸上) 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. ??? B) 你将听到一段对话,请根据对话内容选择下面各题的最佳答案。对话读两遍。(答案涂在答题纸上) 16. Why does Jane want to get a job? ??? A. She wants to give her father money.??? B. Her friends all have jobs. ??? C. She nee


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