[小学教育]coca cola.ppt

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[小学教育]coca cola

Delicious! Refreshing! Exhilarating!Invigorating! (美味!怡神!愉悦!畅快!) 1886年可口可乐诞生,同年可口可乐就刊发了首支报纸广告。 1905年的可口可乐广告语传达给人们一个信息 “Coca-Cola Revives and Sustains(可口可乐,唤醒活力,持久畅快)”。 1924年,可口可乐为其创新设计——饮料六连包注册了专利,从此超市的货架上,出现了方便携带的六连包。当年可口可乐的广告标语则是:“Refresh Yourself!(怡神畅快)”。 1927年,作为可口可乐首个扩张年,广告语自然是霸气外露。一句“Around the corner from everywhere.在任何一个角落,随手可得”。发展至今,其everywhere”的梦想,已然成真! 1950年5月15日,可口可乐成为时代杂志《TIME》首个非人物的封面主角,用现在的眼光看,这幅图有股萌萌哒气质,而在那个年代,它却生动的诠释了可口可乐正在成为世界品牌! 1886 please drink the Coca-Cola 请喝可口可乐 1904 fresh and delicacy satisfaction - - is the Coca-Cola 新鲜和美味 满意——就是可口可乐 1911 will enjoy a cup mobile to laugh heartily for尽享一杯流动的欢笑 1972 Coca-Cola---Follows the lovely time可口可乐---伴随美好时光 1980 cup to be possible to be happy, smiles    1989 cannot block the feeling 挡不住的感觉    1993 forever are the Coca-Cola永远是可口可乐   1996 this is the Coca-Cola这是可口可乐    1928年 Peps You Up! 1961年 Now Its Pepsi, For Those Who Think Young 这就是百事,它属于年轻的心 1992年 Gotta Have It 不能没有它——百事可乐 1993年 Be Young, Have Fun, Drink Pepsi年轻、开心,喝百事 1995年 Nothing else is a Pepsi百事之外,别无选择    2003年 百事,这就是可乐 2004年 Dare for More Dare to Be No.1  COCA-COLA PEPSI 百事可乐,激励你的士气 一杯可乐,一个微笑 突破渴望 敢于第一 IMPACT The polo of coca-cola is enjoyed popular support around the world,it also be accompanied by cultural aggression and threaten the development of other nation’s domestic industry. Coco-cola buy Huiyuan is such a case. Bye Bye ! COCA-COLA ——李璇 Company profile(概况) History Products Advertisement Impact contents COMPANY PROFILE(概况) Coco-cola is the largest soft drink company in the world. It have a employment of more than 2 million workers. In september 5, 1919 ,coco-cola enter into the 100 largest industrial companies in the ranks of US.From 1960 to 1983, the companys sales and net income at the average annual growth rate of 12.2% and 12.3%. CEO Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer Muhtar Kent (穆赫塔尔·肯特) HEADQUARTER(总部) The Coca-Cola Company was founded in


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