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摘 要 驱动桥位于汽车传动系统中的最末端,其功用主要是减速增矩,改变转矩的传递方向,通过差速器保证内外侧车轮以不同转速转向和通过桥壳体和车轮实现承载及传力作用。随着我国汽车工业的高速发展,作为汽车主要零部件之一的车桥系统也得到相应的发展。 城市客车在人们的生活中有着不可代替的作用,驱动桥是其主要组成部分,因此对其进行设计有着非常重要的意义。驱动桥设计主要包括:主减速器、差速器、半轴和驱动桥壳设计四部分。此次设计采用计算的方式论证了采用单级主减速器可满足要求;差速器设计采用普通对称圆锥行星齿轮差速器;车轮传动装置采用全浮式半轴;驱动桥壳采用整体式。采用了齿轮参数计算法对主减速器双曲面齿轮副的参数计算,同时对驱动桥的相关零件进行了校核。 利用了AotuCAD绘图软件表达整体装配关系和部分零件图。 关键词:驱动桥;主减速器;差速器;半轴;桥壳 Abstract The last assemblage of vehicle power train is rear axle. The basic function of driving axle is to increase the torque transported from the transmission shaft or transmission and decrease the speed ,then distribute it to the right、left driving wheel, another function is to bear the vertical force、lengthways force and transversals force between the road surface and the body or the frame. In order to obtain a good power performance, safety and trafficability characteristic, engineers must promote quality and level of design。With the rapid development of Chinas automobile industry, as car parts, one of the main train-bridge systems has been corresponding development. City bus cannot be replaced in peoples lives, drive axle is the main component of it, and so there is a very important significance in the design of it. Drive axle design include: final reduction ratio, differential auto, half shaft and Axle housing straightener. Calculation in the design demonstrates that unipolar final reduction ratio can meet the requirements. Differential Auto uses ordinary planetary differential cone; wheel drive uses full floating axle; drive adoption uses an overall pattern of the shell bridge. And I use special software to analyze the main gear, and check the relevant parts of drive axle. During the design process, make use of the autoCAD drafting software to expresses the wholes to assemble relationship and part drawing by drafting, with the expression that precision purpose and meaning of its design. Key words:driving axle; main gear box; differential; half shaft; housing 摘 要 I Abstract II 第1章 绪 论 1 1.1


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