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At higher linear velocities, analytes in the mobile phase move past analytes diffusing in to and out of the stationary phase, causing band broadening. Slow kinetics of diffusion leads to increased band broadening EPA Method 604 Phenols w1/2 w1/2 w1/2 Next Generation Technologies Reduction of diffusion path length allows for faster kinetics of diffusion Proportional to the square of the distance analytes travel in to and out of the region containing the stationary phase. Analytes in the mobile phase move past analytes in the stationary phase For Ultra High Efficiency LC Mass Transfer Kinetics A·dp + B/μ + C·de2·μ H = 5 μm 3 μm Sub-2 μm Optimizing LC Particles for Lower Plate Height (Higher N) “C” Term Optimizing LC Particles for Lower Plate Height (Higher N) 0.35 μm Kinetex? Favors Kinetics “C” Term Dispersion due to resistance to mass transfer w1/2 w1/2 5 μm Sub-2 μm w1/2 Optimizing LC Particles for Lower Plate Height (Higher N) The “effective particle size” of Kinetex? is 1.7 μm. The thin porous shell significantly reduces the diffusion path length resulting in ultra-fast kinetics of diffusion/mass transfer. 0.35 μm Mass Transfer Kinetics A·dp + B/μ + C·de2·μ H = “C” Term Kinetex? ? ? ? ? Kinetics of diffusion (C Term) ? ? ? ? Particle Size and Distribution (A Term) ? ? ? ? Solvent Savings ? ? ? ? ? ? Sub-2μm ? ? ? Ultra High Efficiency ? ? ? Method Transfer (Portability) ? ? ? Fast Analysis Times ? ? ? High Sensitivity ? ? ? Increased Resolution ? ? ? LC Platform Compatibility (Pressure) Performance and Utility 2.6 μm Kinetex? 3 μm 5 μm Comparison of LC Particle Technology optimum velocity minimum H (maximum N) Plate Height (H) Mobile phase velocity (m) B C A C Reducing the Contribution of the A and C terms Kinetex? Core-Shell Technology Nearly monodispersed particle size Uniform spherical particle shape Reduced diffusion path favors kinetics Wide linear velocity range at low H Plate height equivalent to sub-2 μm Operating pressure


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