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摘 要 随着社会 的进步 ,制造业 的发展越来越迅速 ,数控技术和数控 装备是制造工业现代化 的重要基础 。这个基础是否牢 固直接影 响到 一个 国家 的经济发展和综合 国力 ,关系到一个 国家 的战略地位 。因 此 ,世界上各工业发达 国家均采取重大措施来发展 自己的数控技术 及其产业 。在我 国,数控技术与装备 的发展亦得到 了高度重视 ,近 年来取得 了相 当大 的进步 。数控机床发展很快 ,作为数控机床 的重 要部分 ,主轴箱 的设计更新也越来越快 。 我设计 的是 SSCK20A 数控机床主轴和主轴箱箱体加工工艺 以及 数控编程 ,其 中涉及 了主轴和箱体加工 中刀具 、量具 、毛坯 、定位 基准等 的选择 。设计 图为两张零号 图纸 ,一张一号 图纸,两张二号 图 纸 。 关键词 :数控加工工艺 、数控编程 、定位基准 、主轴箱 、工艺 编程 。 1  Abstract Ore and Along with the advance of society, the development of manufacturing industry is mmore quick, the technical equipment of numerical control of numerical control is to make industrial modern important foundation. Whether directly affect a economy of country strongly develop this foundation with the countrys comprehensive power, concern a strategic position of country. Therefore on world, each industrial developed countries adopts significant measure to develop the own technical and its estate of numerical control. in recent years, have gotten fairly big advance. The development of numerical control of machine tool is very rapid , is the important part of the machine tool of numerical control, the design of the case of main shaft update also more and more rapid. What I design is that the case casing processing technology as well as programming of numerical control of machine tool of main shaft have in which been concerned with the option of cutting tool, measuring tool, blank and location standard etc. in casing processing. Design draw ing is the two blueprints No. 0 and a blueprint No. 1 and two blueprints No. 2 . Keyword : Number control to process the craft、count to control to weave the distance、 fixed position basis、 principal axis box、craft plait distance。 2  目 录 摘要 :·


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