
Digital的 circuit 2-3布尔代数的基本逻辑运算.pdf

Digital的 circuit 2-3布尔代数的基本逻辑运算.pdf

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Digital的 circuit 2-3布尔代数的基本逻辑运算

Digital Circuit UNIT 2~3 BOOLEAN ALGEBRA 冯秋霞 EE BOOLEAN ALGEBRA  Contents Basic Logic Operation Boolean Expressions and Truth Tables Standard Logic Gates  Reading Unit 2 2.1 Introduction 概述 逻辑-事物间的因果关系。 二值逻辑 逻辑代数(布尔代数) 逻辑运算表示的是逻辑变量以及常量之间逻辑状态的推 理运算,而不是数量之间的运算。 4 2016/9/2 1 Introduction历史  Boolean algebra布尔代数 Is the basic mathematics for logic design of digital systems. Differs from ordinary algebra in the values, operations, and laws法则  History George Boole (1815~1864)developed Boolean algebra in 1847 and used it to solve problems in mathematical logic  British mathematician and philosopher数学家和哲学家 Claude Shannon(1916~2001) first applied Boolean algebra to the design of switching circuits in 1939  American electrical engineer and mathematician  Masters thesis (21 years-old)  In this unit you can learn how to …  Use a truth table  Manipulate处理basic operations and apply laws of Boolean algebra  Relate Boolean expressions to basic logic gates 2.2 Basic Operations 逻辑代数中的三种基本运算 一、逻辑代数、逻辑变量 逻辑代数 (又称布尔代数),它是分析设计逻 辑电路的数学工具。虽然它和普通代数一样也用 字母表示变量,但逻辑变量的取值只有“0”,“1” 两种,分别称为逻辑“0”和逻辑“1”。这里“0” 和“1”并不表示数量的大小,而是表示两种相互 对立的逻辑状态。 逻辑代数所表示的是逻辑关系,而不是 数量关系。这是它与普通代数的本质区别。 2016/9/21 7 Wednesday 与 Logical multiplication (product) 条件同时具备,结果发生 C=A AND B = A B=AB Boolean expression A B C 0 0 0 Logic Gate 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 Truth Tab


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