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Measurement System Analysis (MSA) A Measurement System is the combination of gauges, hardware, software, procedures, personnel, and training involved in obtaining measurements.量測系統包含量規,硬件,軟件,制程,員工,通用量測方面的復雜訓練等。 Measurement System Analysis (MSA) A Gauge is any device used to obtain measurements. A Gauge RR typically refers to a fairly simple procedure used to quantify the “gauge error” and the “operator error”. 量具是任何一種用來獲得量測的設備。量具重復性與再現性分析典型的 A Measurement System Analysis involves quantifying and understanding all of the characteristics of the measurement system.量測系統分析牽連到量化和認知量測系統所有的特性。 Measurement System Characteristics 量測系統特性 Bias (Accuracy)偏性(準確性) Gauge Repeatability量具重復性 Operator Reproducibility操作再現性 Stability穩定性 Linearity線性 Bias偏性 Bias偏性 Determine Bias using決定偏性運用獨立樣品法An Independent Sample Method 1. Select a production part that falls near the mid-range of production measurements. 選一個生產量測落在中間帶的生產部品它可能有幾個表現低,中,高機差值的部分是令人滿意的。It may be desirable to have several parts that represent low, mid, and high-range values.用實驗室等級高精確度的量具將每個部分量測10次,每部分的平均值將作為它的參考值。 Measure each of the parts 10 times using a high-precision, laboratory grade gauge. The average for each part will be its Reference Value.讓一`個操作者將每個部分用生產量具量測10次,這個平均值將作為部品平均值。 3. Have one operator measure each part 10 times using the production gauge. The average for each part will be its Part Average.部品平均值減去部品參考值即是他的部品偏性。 Subtract each Part Average from its Reference Value. This is the part Bias. Causes of Large Bias Error in Reference Value錯誤的參考值 Lab Gauge Error實驗量具錯誤 Procedure Error程序錯誤 Defective or Worn Gauge有缺陷OR錯誤的量具 Gauge not suitable for Operating Range 量具不適合操作極差 量具測量了錯誤的特性 Gauge measuring wrong characteristic Gauge not properly calibrated量具 Gauge not used properly by Operator Linearity Determining Linearity 1. Select at least five parts whose measurements cover the entire gauge’s operating range. 2. Measure each of the parts 10 times using a high-precision, laboratory grade


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