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Market Leadership Through Customer Service Excellence: 通过优异的用户服务确立市场领导地位 Lucent Technologies Call Center Solutions 朗讯科技呼叫中心解决方案 Sunny Shen Call Center Sales Manager Lucent Technologies 86-20-8331-1600 ext. 176 Today抯 Service Landscape 现代的服务环境 New breed of customer service providers (新型的客户服务提供商) Customers have more choices than ever (客户与以往任何时候相比有更多选择) Customers now more demanding (客户有更多需求) Satisfied customers are vulnerable (客户更不容易满足) Competitors appear within the time it takes to create a Web page (竞争者的出现只需在因特网上建一个网页的时间) Startling Service Statistics 惊人的服务统计 Only 4% of customers complain - 91% just go away (仅4%的客户抱怨竟然会 直接使91%的客户失去) For every complaint there are 26 customers with the same problem (6 are serious) (每个抱怨会带来26个客户对同样问题的抱怨(其中6个会当真)) 54% - 70% of customers who complain will do business with you again if complaint is resolved(如果抱怨的问题得到解决54%~70%的客户 还会回来) 95% will do business with you again if complaint is resolved quickly and to their satisfaction (如果抱怨很快解决而且满意,95%的客户会回来) 1 dissatisfied customer tells 10 people -- 13% of dissatisfied customers will tell 20 other people (一个不满的客户会告诉10个人,13% 的不满 客户会告诉另外的20个人) Satisfied customers tell 3 - 5 people (满意的客户会告诉3~5个人) Startling Service Statistics(惊人的服务统计) Service quality and customer satisfaction can lead to a 6% gain in market share(服务质量和客户的满意可以提高6%的市场占有率) Customers stop doing business with you because (客户会因为以下原因停止交易): 1% Die(死亡1%) 3% Move away(迁移3%) 5% Develop other business relationships(发展其他业务联系5%) 9% Begin doing business with competitors(同你的竞争对手交易9%) 14% Are dissatisfied with the product or service(对产品或者服务不满) 68% are upset with the treatment received (对受到的对待不满68%) What is a Call Center?(什么是呼叫中心) Why A Call Center ?(为什么使用呼叫中心) Reducing Costs(降低成本) Maximize employee productivity (最大限度发挥职员生产效率) Manage resources effectively(充分使用资源) Increasing Revenues(增加营业收入) Increase customer satisf


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