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摘要 无刷直流电机是一种集电机和电子一体化的高新技术产品,它不仅具有体积小、重量轻、效率高、惯量小和控制精度高等优点,同时还保留了普通直流电动机优良的机械特性。因此,研究具有响应速度快、调节能力强、控制精度高的无刷直流电动机控制系统具有重要意义。论文研究无刷直流电机(BLDCM),基于MATLAB/imulink仿真平台建立了无刷直流电机驱动系统仿真, 首先,论文研究了无刷直流电机的基本结构、工作原理、数学模型和稳态运行特性。分析了无刷直流电机的电子换相过程。为了提高系统的调速性能,采用了转速、电流双闭环结构。在控制策略上,采用了经典PID算法,无刷直流电机调速中出现的问题,使系统具有良好的动、静态性能。通过验证了PID控制的优越性。 关键词:无刷直流电机电子换向imulink Abstract Brushless DC Motor (BLDCM) is a kind of mechanics products, which has many good Performances, such as Small volume, light, efficient, small inertia and high control precision. BLDCM reserves many excellent mechanical characteristics of DC Motor. So it is very significant to study such a control system with quick response, powerful regulation capability and high precision. This paper presents the theory and process of the design for a sensor BLDCM. Regard how to structure the control system with MATLAB\Simulink as the center in this paper. We set up the simulation system of BLDCM and verify the control algorithm using this simulation system. Firstly, the paper deliberate the basic component parts, the basic running principle, the mathematical Model of the BLDCM are detailed analyzed. Followed, the course of electronic commutation is also researched. In order to improve the speeding performance, we adopt the two closed-loop control strategy of speed and current. In order to overcome the problems, classical PID algorithm is presented and applied in the design system. So the control system possesses nice dynamic and static performance. Simulation results verify the effectiveness of PID control algorithm . Keywords: BLDCM; electronic commutation ; Simulink 目录 摘要 I Abstract II 目录 III 第一章 绪论 1 1.1课题背景及选题意义 1 1.2无刷直流电机的发展概况 1 1.2.1电力电子及微处理器技术对无刷直流电机发展的影响 1 1.2.2永磁材料对无刷直流电机发展的影响 3 1.2.3新型无刷直流电机的开发 3 1.2.4先进控制策略的应用 4 1.3本文主要工作及结构安排 4 第二章 直流无刷电机的工作原理和数学模型 5 2.1无刷直流电机的基本结构 5 2.1.1电动机本体 5 2.1.2转子位置传感器 6 2.1.3驱动控制电路 6 2.2无刷直流电机的工作原理 7 2.3无刷直流电机的数学模型 9 2.3.1电压方程 10 2.3.2转矩方程 11 2.3.3运动方程 12 2.3.4传递函数 12 2.4无刷直流电机稳态运行特性 12 2.4.1工


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