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摘 要 摘 要 摘摘 要要 蒙特卡洛方法又称统计模拟法、随机抽样技术,是一种随机模拟方法,以概 率和统计理论方法为基础的一种计算方法,是使用随机数(或更常见的伪随机数) 来解决很多计算问题的方法。将所求解的问题同一定的概率模型相联系,用电子 计算机实现统计模拟或抽样,以获得问题的近似解。为象征性地表明这一方法的 概率统计特征,故借用赌城蒙特卡洛命名。 8PSK(8 Phase Shift Keying 8移相键控) 是一种相位调制算法。相位调制(调 相)是频率调制(调频)的一种演变,载波的相位被调整用于把数字信息的比特 编码到每一词相位改变(相移)。“8PSK”中的“PSK”表示使用移相键控方式,移 相键控是调相的一种形式,用于表达一系列离散的状态,8PSK对应8种状态的 PSK。如果是其一半的状态,即4种,则为4PSK,如果是其2倍的状态,则为 16PSK。因为8PSK 拥有8 种状态,所以8PSK每个符号(Symbol)可以编码3个 比特(bits)。8PSK抗链路恶化的能力(抗噪能力)不如4PSK,但提供了更高的 数据吞吐容量。 本课题主要研究了在不同信噪比条件下,8PSK通信系统的误码率情况。 关键词:8移相键控; 蒙特卡洛; 信噪比; 误码率; ABSTRACT ABSTRACT AABBSSTTRRAACCTT Monte-Carlo method is known as a statistical simulation method as well as a random sampling techniques, this method is a stochastic simulation approach to probability theory and statistical methods that based on acalculation method using the random number (or the more common pseudo-random numbers) to solve Many computing problems. Asa symbolic shows that the probability of statistical characteristicsof this method, sonamed after the MonteCarlo casino toborrow. 8 Phase Shift Keying is a phase modulation algorithm.Phase modulation (PM) is developed from frequency modulation (FM). 8PSK in the PSK that the use of phase shift keying, phase modulationphase shift keying is a form used to express a series of discrete state, 8PSK corresponding to eight kinds of state of the PSK.If it is half of its state, that is, 4species, compared with QPSK, 2 times if it is their state, compared with 16PSK. For 8PSK with 8 kinds of state, so each 8PSK symbol can encode three bits. Deterioration in the ability of anti-link 8PSK (noise immunity) as 4PSK,but provides ahigher datathroughput capacity. The main idea of this research is to analyze bit error ra



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