[其它]220kv 变电站电气主接线初步设计.doc

[其它]220kv 变电站电气主接线初步设计.doc

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[其它]220kv 变电站电气主接线初步设计

220kV变电站电气主接线初步设计 作者姓名: 专业名称:电气工程及其自动化 指导教师: 摘要 随着我国科学技术的发展,特别是计算机技术的进步,电力系统对变电站的更要求也越来越高变电站是电力系统的重要组成部分,它直接影响整个电力系统的安全与经济运行,是联系发电厂和用户的中间环节,起着变换和分配电能的作用。 变电站是电力系统中变换电压、接受和分配电能、控制电力的流向和调整电压的电力设施,它通过其变压器将各级电压的电网联系起来。我国电力系统的变电站大致分为四大类:升压变电站,主网变电站,二次变电站,配电站。我国电力工业的技术水平和管理水平正在逐步提高,对变电所的设计提出了更高的要求,更需要我们提高知识理解应用水平,认真对待。 结合我国电力现状,为国民经济各部门和人民生活供给充足、可靠、优质、廉价的电能,优化发展变电站,根据当地电力系统发展规划,拟在某区域新建一座220V变电站,本题课题联系实际。 本次设计是在掌握变电站生产过程的基础上完成的。通过它可以复习巩固了专业课程的有关内容,拓宽了知识面,增强了工程观念,培养了变电站设计的能力。同时对能源、发电、变电和输电的电气部分有个详细的概念,能熟练的运用有些知识,如短路计算的基本理论和方法、主接线的设计、导体电气设备的选择等 关键词 :220V 变电站 短路计算 电气设备选择 Abstract With the development of our science and technology, especially the progress of computer technology, power system substation more requirements are also getting higher and higher the substation is an important part of power system, it directly influences the whole power system safe and economic operation of the power plant and the user, is the intermediate link, plays the transformation and distribution of electricity the role of. The substation is to transform the power system voltage, power and distribution, control the power flow and adjust the voltage of the power facilities, it will at all levels through its transformer linked voltage grid. Chinas electric power system substation is broadly divided into four categories: step-up substation, power grid substation, two substations, power distribution station. Chinas electric power industrys technological level and management level is improving gradually, to substation design put forward higher requirements, but we need to improve understanding of knowledge application level, take seriously. Combined with Chinas current situation of the electric power, for all sectors of the national economy and peoples life quality, adequate supply, reliable, cheap electric energy, optimize the development of transformer substation, according to local power system development planning, to be in an area for a new220kV substation, the task with practice. This


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