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Erythrothyte size:Diameter7.5-8.5 um. shape:biconcave circular disc morphology:no nuclei other organelles, varieties. ABO Antigen: blood group. contents:haemoglobin(Hb)。 amount: 35-55lakh/mm3。 Reticulocyte premature RBC:left some ribosome in the cytoplasm. Amount:0.5%-1.5%. Can synthesize Hb. leukocytes (white blood cell, WBC) EM Lymphocyte!!! * * blood Constituents of blood blood plasma (55%) blood cell (45%) Ery Leu Blood platelet water(90%) others (erythrocyte,red blood cell,RBC) staining method:Wright or Giemsa. SEM WBC granulocytes Agranular leukocytes neutrophils(60-70%) eosinophils(3%) basophils(1%) lymphocytes(20-30%) monocytes(5%) Depending on what? (LM) Neutrophilic granulocyte amount:60-70 %. Dia : 10-12um. nuclei:variable. roddish several lobes(2-5). Granules: fine, stain lightly. functions:chemotaxis phagocytosis. (EM) Neutrophilic granulocyte Nuclear lobes Azurophilic granules specific granules (LM) Eosinophilic granulocyte amount:0.5-3%. Dia:10-15um. nuclei:two-lobes. granules:large, stain brightly with acid dyes. Functions:chemotaxis amoeban movement. *inhibit allergic reaction. *kill parasite. (EM) Eosinophilic granulocyte crystalloid ( LM ) Basophilic granulocyte amount:0-1%. Dia:10-12 um. nuclei:irregular, shaped “S”. granules:metachromatical, purple-blue,ir- regular in size distribution. ( EM ) Basophilic granulocyte (LM) Lymphocyte Amount:20-30%. Dia: virable. nuclei:large,spherical,indentation on one side,stain densely. cytoplasm:scanty, clear blue. Classification: TC BC KC NKC (EM) Lymphocyte (LM) Monocyte Amount:5%. size:the biggest cells in blood., nuclei:kidney,horse-shoe. cytoplasm:abundant,basic, grey blue. Mononuclear phagocyte system. (EM) Monocyte Azurophilic granules microvili (LM) Blood platelet Are small masses of cytoplasm shed from megakaryocyte. Irregular disc, biconvex. No nuclei,In groups . A granular central part. A clear outer zone. Functions: blood clotting coagulat


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