[初中教育]初一英语第一单元课件U1 Listening.ppt

[初中教育]初一英语第一单元课件U1 Listening.ppt

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Elephants everywhere 大象在泰国是吉祥的动 物,在很多庆祝仪式、 旅游表演,甚至婚礼上, 你都能看到大象可爱的 身影。 The elephant is the most important animal in Thailand, just like the panda in China. There are lots of elephants there. People often go to different places by elephant. Fun little monks 每个泰国男人一生中都要做一次和尚,这可是件很荣耀的事情哦! There are thousands of temples in Thailand. We can see many kids in the temples. They’re learning how to be monks. Of course, they play football and computer games, too! Water-splashing Festival “泼水节” 是传统的泰国新年,也是泰国最盛大的节日。 Water-splashing Festival is the biggest festival in Thailand. It’s in the middle of April every year. For three days, people sing, dance and splash water on each other. They think that water can clean away bad things and bring good luck. They give their best wishes to their families and friends with water. 泰国皇宫 总理府 古建筑 泰国美食 河岸 泰国风情 泰国集市 3. Lots of people take tuk-tuks to get through the traffic quickly. 许多人乘坐“突突车”在拥挤的交通中快速敏捷地穿行。(P6) 此句中get through意为“从……中间穿过”,注意这里不可用across代替through,through表示从某个空间“穿过”;across表示从某物表面的一点“横过”到另一点,例如: He walked across the hall. 他从大厅的一端走到另一端。He walked through the gate. 他穿过大门。 4. Then, after dark, we put them carefully into the river and watch them sail away. 之后,天黑了,我们小心地把它们放进河里,并望着它们漂远。(P6) 此句中,watch sb. do sth.意为“看见某人做某事”,强调看见某个动作的全过程,省略动词不定式中的to。watch接除不带to的不定式外,还可接动词-ing形式,意为“看见某人正在做某事”,强调看见某个动作正在进行。同样用法的感官动词还有see, hear, listen to, look at等。 试比较: He often watches the students play basketball. 他常常看同学们打篮球。 He watched the students playing basketball. 他看见同学们正在打篮球。 根据中文意思完成句子。 1. 那位老人小心地走过马路。 The old man ______ ______ the road carefully. 2. 他独自一人走过森林。 He ________ ________ the forest alone. 3. 我们每天早上都听到一只鹦鹉向我们问好。 We ____ a parrot ____ “Hello” to us every morning. 4. 吴老师看着孩子们和他们的家长横过马路后离开了。 Miss Wu _______ the children ____ across the road with their parents and then left. 根据句意和所给的首字母填空。 1. My grandpa likes living in the countryside, because the air there is f____. 2. A tuk-tuk is a kind of


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