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八年级下 一、重点词组 join the English club 加入英语俱乐部 host the 2008 Olympics 举办2008年奥运会 fill out 填出好 go on 发生;进行 all the interesting places 所有有趣的地方 quite a lot 相当多 make friends with…与……交朋友 be afraid 恐怕 be free 有空 see you then 再见 win the first gold medal 赢得第一枚金牌 get 28 gold medals 获得28枚金牌 the winner of the first gold medal 第一枚金牌的获胜者 every four years 每四年;每隔三年 behave well 举止得体 improve the environment 改善环境 plant trees and grass 种植花草树木 a symbol of …一种……的象征 stand for 代表 do morning exercises 做早操 be fond of (doing) sth. 喜欢(做)某事 二、重点句型 Could you tell me your name? = What’s your name?你能告诉我你的名字吗? What do you do? = What’s your job? = What are you? 你是干什么的? Beijing will host the 2008 Olympics. 北京将主办2008年奥运会 More and more foreign friends ride in my taxi (= take my taxi) now.现在越来越多的外国朋友搭我的出租车. Speaking English will help me a lot. 说英语将对我有很大帮助. Please fill it out. 请把它填好. What will the weather be like this weekend? = How will the weather be this weekend?本周末的天气怎样? There will be more roads in Beijing. 在北京将会有更多的马路. When shall we meet? 我们什么时候见面? Let’s make it half past six.咱们把时间定在六点半吧。 三. 重点语言点 fill out + 名词 “填好……” fill + 名词/代词+out Please fill out this form. = Please fill this form out. 请填好这张表格. Please fill it/them out. (当宾语是代词时, 只能放中间) 请把它(们)填好. be afraid… “恐怕” 指有礼貌地、委婉地拒绝别人. be afraid of… “害怕(做)……” e.g. I’m afraid I won’t be free. 我恐怕没有空. He is afraid of dogs. 他害怕狗. They are afraid of losing the game. 他们害怕输了比赛. may be “可能是……” may是情态动词 + be maybe “或许; 可能” maybe是副词 e.g. He may be a teacher. = Maybe he is a teacher. 他可能是一名老师. He may know her name. = Maybe he knows her name. 他可能知道她的名字. between 在两者之间 among 在三者或三者当中 e.g. The answer is between A and B. 答案在A和B 之间. The winner is among of us. 获胜者在我们当中. There be 句型的一般将来时 正:There will be a sports meeting in our school this weekend. = There is going to be a sports meeting in our school this weekend


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