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摘要 山贵煤矿位于内蒙古自治区东胜煤田东南部边缘,行政隶属鄂尔多斯市准格尔旗羊市塔乡。 山贵煤矿井田面积为6.8192km2,可采6-1号煤层,煤层平均埋藏深度为120米,可采平均厚度为2.6m,煤层倾角小于3°,为近水平煤层,可采储量820万吨。 本矿山设计年产量为90万吨,开采年限为7年,按年工作日330天计算,日产原煤2590吨。工业广场布置在井田西北部地势平坦的开阔地。设计矿井采用斜井开拓,沿煤层走向布置大巷。煤层共分四个盘区,采用单一水平倾斜长臂采煤方法开采,盘区和工作面均采用后退式开采。设计巷道施工完成移交时布置一个普采工作面和一个普掘工作面。 矿井主运输采用胶带机运输,辅助运输采用无轨胶轮车运输。通风系统为中央并列抽出式通风,掘进工作面通风方法为局扇压入式。 关键词:山贵煤矿 开拓系统 采煤方法 运输 通风系统 Abstract The design task for the mountain of your annual production capacity of 900,000 tons coal underground mining design. Shan your Dongsheng Coal Mine is located in the south-eastern edge of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, the Chief under the Ordos City Zhungeer sheep Rural City tower. Coal Mine Hill area of your 6.8192km2, recoverable coal seam No. 6-1, an average burial depth of coal seam, mining may be the average thickness of 2.6m, seam dip angle of less than 3 °, for nearly the level of coal, recoverable reserves of 8.2 million tons . Mine design for the 900,000 tons annual production, the exploitation of life for 7 years, working 330 days a year basis, 2590 tons of raw coal production. Coal Mine Industry Square in the north-west layout of the flat open terrain. Inclined to open up the use of the design of mine, along the seam to roadway layout. Divided into four panel seam, single-level method of tilting the long arm of the exploitation of coal, and the Public Works panel back face are mining. Design of roadway construction to complete the transfer when the layout of a Pu Pu coal face and two face-de-sac. Mine the use of the main transport belt conveyor transport, the use of auxiliary transport transportation vehicle wheel trolley. Side by side out of the ventilation system for ventilation, ventilation of heading face pressure for the fan-in. Keywords: Coal mine of shangui develop system Mining method Transport Ventilation 目录 摘要 I Abstract II 第一章 井田概况及地质特征 1 1.1井田概况 1 1.1.


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