[文学]Emnglish Rhetoric Chapter 1 Syntactic devices 4.ppt

[文学]Emnglish Rhetoric Chapter 1 Syntactic devices 4.ppt

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Some examples Get out, or else—!” (a threat) * 1.11.5 Aposiopesis (顿绝;话语中断) “You will come down tomorrow?” she urged, she interrupted. “The Prime Minister—His Royal Highness… ” She stopped. “And Diana… ” she added. Oliver took his hand off the bell. --Virginia Woolf, “The Duchess and the Jeweller” * References Holcomb, Chris Killingsworth, M. Jimmie (2010). Performing prose: the study and practice of style in composition. Carbondale and Edwardsville: Southern Illinois University Press. Wikipedia Baldick, Chris (2000). Oxford concise dictionary of literary terms. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press. * References 章振邦(1983).新编英语语法教程.上海:上海外语教育出版社. Wales, Katie (2001). A dictionary of stylistics. London New York: Longman. * 练习 以小组( 5~6人)为单位研究下列话题并作出考察报告,下节课将结果报告给全班 1. 找出更多的关于本部分句子修辞手段的英语例句,并进行一定的解释。 2. 考察汉语的排比,以古今的经典例子加以说明。 3. 考察汉语的骈体文,以古今佳句加以说明。 * --The End-- Thank you for listening! * * 1.9.4 Chiasmus and antimetabole chiasmus He knowingly led and we blindly followed. (ABAB) --He knowingly led and we followed blindly. (ABBA) antimetabole Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food. 译文:让食物成为药品,让药品成为食物 * 1.9.4 Chiasmus and antimetabole chiasmus By day the frolic, and the dance by night. --Samuel Johnson, The Vanity of Human Wishes. (prepositional phrases and gerunds in reverse order) antimetabole Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country. --John F. Kennedy, “Inaugural Address”, January 20, 1961. * 1.10 Syntactic schemes of inversion Inversion refers to the reversal of the normally expected order of words, or, in prosody, the turning around of a metrical foot (Baldick, 2000: 113). It is often used together with fronting (前置)。 Writers use inversion (and fronting) mainly to lay more emphasis on a certain element of the sentence. But sometimes they use it for greater cohesion or contrast in meaning. * 1.10 Syntactic schemes of inversion An inverted sentence may ta


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