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英国文学史和选读课件(I) 惠州学院外语系 汤富华教授 十五世纪初期在意大利兴起。后来遍及全欧洲,文艺复兴的影响深入了生活每一层面。十四世纪时,学者认为西方艺术衰退已有一千年,他们怀念古代( 400 B.C.-A.D.400)希腊、罗马的艺术与文学。开始钻研古典时代的文学、建筑和雕刻。文艺复兴是古典艺术的再生;也是对中世纪艺术的反动。 中世纪的美德,不再被盲目接受。人们开始对许多事情发出疑问,寻求答案。人文主义精神成了整个文艺复兴的推动力。 William Shakespeare 1564-1616 Born in Stratford The 3rd of 8 kids Married at age 18 (his wife was 26) Worked as an actor By 1594 at least 6 plays had been published Comedies The Taming of the Shrew Much Ado About Nothing As You Like I Twelfth Night Midsummer Night’s Dream Tragedies Hamlet Romeo and Juliet Othello King Lear Macbeth Daniel Defoe: 1660-1731 Son of James and Mary Foe, a merchant family committed to Puritanism (Presbyterians) Sound education at Morton’s Academy. Only Anglicans could graduate from Oxford or Cambridge. 1684: Marries Mary Tuffley, an heiress with 3,700 a year. Fought briefly in the Duke of Monmouth’s rebellion against James II. Bankruptcy and debt turned him towards writing. 1701: writes “The True Born Englishman” 1703: Pilloried for writing “The Shortest Way with Dissenters.” The Age of Romanticism 1750-1850 This cultural era is a continuation of, overlaps with, the Enlightenment. Its characteristics include: Romantic love Liberalism and freedom An upsurge of nationalism patriotism Sympathy for the poor less fortunate. An appreciation of nature A fascination with horror A Red, Red Rose --by Robert Burns O MY Luve s like a red, red rose That s newly sprung in June: O my Luve s like the melodie Thats sweetly playd in tune! As fair art thou, my bonnie lass, So deep in luve am I: And I will luve thee still, my dear, Till a the seas gang dry: Till a the seas gang dry, my dear, And the rocks melt wi the sun; I will luve thee still, my dear, While the sands o life shall run. An


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