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* 法律英语 * The Restatements Secondary authority 次要法源 Remarkably persuasive 非常有说服力 A court often justify its decision by simply citing and quoting The Restatements’ rule on a given point. 法院经常通过援引和引用注释汇编的原则来证明自己在某一案例中判决的正确性。 * 法律英语 * In 1962, ALI began to prepare a revised of its Restatement The Restatement (second) of contracts was adopted in 1979. 与第一版比,第二版更强调多样化和灵活性,建议要给予法官更多的自由裁决权。 A freer rein for judicial discretion * 法律英语 * Have clearly had a powerful effect in shaping judicial views of what the common law of contract ought to be. 合同法注释汇编在有关合同的普通法应该是怎么样的这一司法观念形成方面有强力的作用。 The Restatement of Contracts * 法律英语 * Secondary authority Published articles Books Treatises Analyze分析 Evaluate评价Synthesize综合 The immense body of contract cases …… * 法律英语 * Authors of these works Have sought to clarify the law, to propose solutions for unsolved issues, and in some cases to argue …for legal change. 这些论著的作者们试图阐明法律,为尚未解决的问题提出解决方案,有时就法律改革进行热烈而有效的争论。 * 法律英语 * Such legal commentary has been extremely influential in shaping the course of the common law of contract. 这些法律评论大大地影响着有关合同的普通法的发展方向。 * 法律英语 * Professional words and terms Uniform Commercial Code Consumer Protection Statutes Labor Law Insurance Law Offer, acceptance, consideration Contract performance Contract interpretation * 法律英语 * Breach Remedy – damages Expectation damages Agreed upon remedies Equitable relief Tangible ,Intangible property Real property, personal property * 法律英语 * Treason, Tax evasion, Slander Ownership of property Legal mechanism Fraud Primary source, Secondary source Restatements of the Law Stare decisis Precedents * 法律英语 * preservation of the status quo “statute of frauds” Uniform Commercial Code constitutional authority American Law Institute The Restatement of Contracts judicial discretion * 法律英语 * Exercises 1. Questions about the text 2. Listening comprehension 3. Discussion Law is order , and good law is good order. Aristole, Ancient Greek philosopher  法律就是秩序,有好的法律才有好的秩序。 古希腊哲学家 亚里士多德 * 法律


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