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摘 要 石油工业是我国经济的主要支柱产业,进入21世纪以来我国石油工业发展十分迅速。然而,目前我国石化工业也面临着石油资源的短缺,且原油劣质化程度开始加剧等问题。而加氢裂化则是重要的深度加工工艺,也是唯一能在原料轻质化的同时而直接生产清洁运输燃料和优质化工原料的重要技术手段。 作为先进的技术,加氢裂化的加工原料广泛,产品方案灵活,产品的收率高、质量好,环境污染少,可以处理的油品从轻柴油到焦化蜡油,甚至固态的煤。 近年来,加氢裂化技术在炼油企业中受到很高的重视,正是因为加氢裂化所要加工的原料油越来越重,装置开始大型化,工艺、催化反应器和工程设计不断的进行创新。 本文将从蜡油加氢的定义、主要工业流程图出发,了解蜡油的性质,族组成,加氢前后的组成变化,催化剂的研发,装置的能量消耗等。另外在正文部分,介绍了针对我国油气资源不足,中间馏分油和化工原料的短缺,我国FRIPP在加氢裂化技术上的进展等。此外还介绍了加氢裂化过程中一些组成主要发生的反应。另外,我们还做了一个实验来进行模拟。并根据一个15万t/a的理论要求进行了装置的两种方案设计,并分析讨论了处理后润滑油,汽油,柴油等的性质,以及两种方法的优缺点。 通过本论文,我们需要了解什么是蜡油加氢,加氢前后的蜡油组成以及形式上的变化,此外需要了解蜡油加氢工艺的一些工艺流程。理解蜡油加氢的实验原理实验步骤,并会设计装置。 关键词 加氢裂化;蜡油加氢;装置计算 Abstract Petrol Industry is the pillar industry of our country. The Industry developed fast since 21st century. However, recently, our Petrol Industry faced many problems, such as the shortage of oil resources and the lower quality of crude oil. Hydro cracking is a very important depth process, and also the only method to light the feed and produce the clean fuel and better chemical feed at the same time. As the advanced technology, hydro cracking has many advantages: the raw materials is varied, and the method of processing is flexible, the yield of production is good with its quality and also it has less pollution. It can deal with the oil from light diesel oil to Coker gas oil, and even coal. Recently, hydro cracking technology plays an important role in Petro Industries. Just because the oil it deals with becomes heavier and heavier. Besides, the equipment has been enlarged and also the creativity of processing, catalyst reactor and the engineering design. The passage will begin with the definition of wax oil hydrogenation and the main flow sheet. We should also know the character, group composition, the changes of the compose of the oil before and after hydrogenation, the development of the catalyst and also the energy cost of the equipment. Besides, in the main part of the essay, we introduce some new technology from FRIPP to deal with the phenomenon happened in


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