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公众责任险扩展条款 1. xx 天保单取消条款 本保单可在任何时候由被保险人申请取消,但被保险人必须书面通知本公司,保险费 将根据短期费率标准或最低保费予以调整。本公司欲取消保单时,须提前xx 天将书面 取消通知送至被保险人最后为本公司所知之地址,保险费按照日数比例调整。 本保单所载其他条件不变。 Policy Cancellation clause This Policy may be terminated at any time at the request of the Insured in writing to the Company, in which case the Company will retain the customary short period rate for the time the Policy has been in force, this Policy may also be terminated at the option of the Company by giving the Insured days’ prior notice in writing, in which case the Company shall be liable to repay a rateable proportion of the premium for the unexpired period from the date of cancellation. Subject otherwise to the terms and conditions of this policy. 2. 火灾/爆炸/烟熏与水损法定责任条款 兹经双方同意,本保单扩展承保在保险期限内,被保险人因保单载明地址内发生火灾 /爆炸/烟熏/水损事故导致第三者遭受意外人身伤害及/或意外财产损失而依法应 付的赔偿责任,但以保单明细表中列明的赔偿金额为限。 本保单所载其他条件不变。 Fire/Explosion/Smoke/Water Damage Legal Liability Clause It is hereby agreed and understood that this Policy shall be extended to cover the Insureds legal liability for claims made against the insured for accidental bodily injury of and/or accidental property damage to any third party occurring at the specified premises causedby fire/explosion/smoke/Water Damage during the period of insurance subject to the limits of liability stipulated in the schedule. Subject otherwise to the terms, exceptions and conditions of this Policy. 3. 违反保证条款 对本保单下的特约条件与保证事项,若仅针对某一方面而非全部,则被保险人任何违 反特约条件与保证事项的行为,将使本保单对该部分的保障失效,但不影响保证条款 中未涉及方面的效力。 Breach of Condition Clause The conditions and warranties of this Policy shall apply individually to each of the risks insured and not collectively to them. Thus a breach in any condition or warranty shall void the section only in respect of all the risks to which that breach applied and does not affect the section in respect of the other risks. Subject otherwise to the terms, exceptions and conditions of this Policy. 4. 不丧失条款 兹经双方同意并约定,如果由于被保险人不知的或超出其控制的任何风险因素的增 加、变化、疏忽或


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