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* Chapter 5 Boundary Layer (BL) 5.1 Introduction * D’Alembert Paradox(佯谬,疑题): A body immersed in a frictionless fluid has zero drag. Inviscid or Boundary layer (边界层) Although frictional effects in slightly viscous fluid are indeed present, they are confined to a thin layer near the surface of the body, and the rest of the flow can be considered inviscid. (1904, Prandtl) Ludwig Prandtl(1875-1953) 第三届国际数学大会 德国海登堡 (论粘性很小的流体运动) 5.2 Three Thicknesses of a Boundary Layer 2. Displacement Thickness (排移厚度,位移厚度) d U y u x 1. BL Thickness d (名义厚度,厚度) The locus of points where the velocity u parallel to the plate reaches 99 percent of the external velocity U. u dy d* d y U 3. Momentum Thickness (动量厚度,动量损失厚度) y d U u 5.3 Momentum Integral Relation for flat-plate BL (平板边界层动量积分方程) U=const p=const Steady incompressible RTT CV x y h U P d streamline o Momentum equation: Continuity: CV x y h U P d streamline o 速度积分法求阻力 1921 (1881-1963) y u(y) x BC: The thickness of a flat plate BL: Estimate Shape factor (形状因子) Drag coefficient(阻力系数) Homework: P7.9, P7.10, P7.11 Skin-friction coefficient (表面摩擦系数) 5.4 Boundary Layer Equation 2-D,steady,incompressible,neglect body force N-S equations External flow (Inviscid Flow) Euler Equation Laminar flow Turbulent flow Reynolds stress(雷诺应力) Prandtl’s Boundary Layer Equation 1 1 0 0 1 1 = 5.5 Blasius Solution of Laminar Flat-Plate Boundary Layer u u U(x) U(x) Prandtl’s student similarity Coordinate transformation (坐标变换) Blasius 1908 Put into boundary layer equation Blasius equation (吴望一《流体力学》下册) 1.00000 8.0 0.32979 1.0 1.00000 0.99155 5.0 … … 0.0 0.0 Blasius Solution vs Experimental results 5.6 Boundary Layers Separation s1 Critical point Point of inflection · Favorable pressure gradient(顺压梯度) Adverse pressure gradient(逆压梯度) Separation(分离) s2 s3 s4 s5 o y x u 5.7 Turbulent Boundary Layer Inertia force / viscous force Low Re flow High Re flow Smoke Human Plume Turbulence *