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12 2 . 12  . 2 V o l N o 2005 4 Research o f Soil and W ater C on servation A pr. , 2005 崔银祥, 聂德新, 刘惠军 (,  61005 )  : , , 。 , 、, 。, ( ), 。 , , , , 。、 。 : ; ; ; : 642. 22     :      : 1005-340 ( 2005) 02-00 8-03 P A Seepage Stab ility A ssessm en t of a L and slide Dam by - Three dim en siona l Seepage Sim u lation CU IY in-xiang, N IE D e-x in, L IU Hu i-jun (Ins t itu te of E ng ineer ing G eo logy , Cheng d u Un iv er sity of T echno logy , Cheng d u 61005 , C h ina) A bstract: A landslide dam located in th eH uanghe up river w as form ed by tw o land slides, then form ed the barrier lakew h ich is . , core area of national natu ral pro tection now In order to study th e seepage stability of the dam in detail based on all , , , expermi en tal m aterials the au thors determ ined possib le dam age form s critical hyd raulic slope allow ab le hydrau lic slope of lands ide dam and lacu strine varved clay, then adop ted three dim ension num erical m ethod to assess the seepage stability of landslide dam in tw o w ork cond ition s of m ean lake stage and lmi it ing lake stage. A ssessing m ethod is that, first, assessed seepage stability of every g rid in direction of m axim al hydrau lic slope in m ean lake stage and lmi iting lake stage, and then assessed seepage stab ility of the w hole landslide dam. T he resu lts proved that th e landslide dam w ou ld no t occur see



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