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洪俊明等  铁屑法处理活性染料废水的实验研究 铁屑法处理活性染料废水的实验研究 1 ,2 1 1 1 洪俊明 洪华生 熊小京 黄智贤 ( 1. 厦门大学环境科学研究中心 ,福建 厦门 36 1005 ;2 . 厦门市环境保护科研所 ,福建 厦门 36 1006)   摘要  研究了反应时间、染料浓度 、进水p H 以及不同的废铸铁屑投加量的条件下 ,废铸铁屑内电解法处理模拟印染废水的脱 ( ) 色能力 。并采用铁屑滤床强化厌氧 - 好氧膜生物反应器 A/ O MBR 处理含活性染料的模拟废水 。研究结果表明,铁屑对模拟印染 废水的最佳脱色时间为 12 min ,酸性条件下铁屑的脱色率优于碱性条件 ,随铁屑投加量的增加 ,系统对印染废水的脱色率提高 ,铁屑 滤床强化 A/ O MBR 处理可以提高组合工艺出水色度和 COD 的去除率 。   关键词 印染废水 A/ O MBR 组合工艺 铁屑 脱色 Scrap iron f or treatment of reactive dye wastewater  H ong J unm i ng 1, 2 , H ong H uas heng 1 , X iong X i aoj i ng 1 , H uang 1 ( Z hi x i an . 1. Env i ronment al S cience R esea rch Cente r , X i amen Uni ve rs i ty , X i amen F uj i an 36 1005 ; 2 . X i amen E n ) v i ronment al P rotection R esea rch I ns ti t ute , X i amen F uj i an 36 1006 Abstract :  Scrap iron wa s effective for decolorizing reactive dye wast ewat er due to t he redox reaction s t aking p lace near surface of scrap iron which functioned as elect ro de of t he microcell sy st em s. The effect s of reaction time , dye concent ration , influent p H and scrap iron do sage were investigat ed . The op timum reaction time wa s 12 min ; t he decolorization was bett er when t he influent p H was acidic and/ or a higher iron do se was emp loyed . Scrap iron addition enhanced p erformance of t he anaerobicaerobic membrane bioreactor p rocess ; t he combined t reat ment achieved more t han 90 % in color reduction and 95 % in COD removal . Keywords :  Dye wast ewat er A/


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