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毕 业 论 文 题 目: 动漫公司门户网站的设计与实现 学 院: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx学院 专 业: 计算机科学与技术 (XXXXXXXXXXXXX) 毕业年限: XXXX年X月 学生姓名: XXXXXXX 学 号: XXXXXXXXXXXX 指导教师: XXXXXXXX 摘要 随着计算机与电子技术的飞速发展以及网络越来越广泛,国内外很多大中小型企业都意识到网络信息传递带给企业的效益是任何其它传递方式不可比拟的。所以很多企业就会选择通过互联网为企业做宣传、树立企业良好形象以及提高企业知名度等,对于动漫企业来说也是如此。动漫门户网站作为越来越多动漫爱好者和动漫专业人员获得信息和交流的平台,满足了广大用户随时随地进行交流和沟通,以及即时在线购买动漫周边产品的需要,为网上用户提供交流、交易场所,实现高效动态信息交换和商品交易。 现在虽然有很多动漫网站,但版面千篇一律,缺乏个性化、前瞻性,页面设计混乱,不利于用户查看,网站的交互性比较差。针对以上问题,本文旨在开发一个页面清晰、内容相对全面、具有个性化、能给用户带来特殊视觉感觉的动漫网站。网站实现的基本模块包括动漫新闻,动漫周边商品购买,留言本等等。一方面,动漫爱好者可以通过前台查看自己需要的信息;另一方面,可以在线购买动漫产品;此外,留言本更是提供了用户之间交流的平台,用户可以实现实时交流互动。后台的信息管理,实现对前台信息的及时更新。本网站的主要特色是页面新颖友好,内容直观,操作简单方便,适用于广大动漫爱好者。 关键词:B/S模式;JSP;MVC 模式;企业门户 Abstract With the rapid development of computer and electronic technology, and the wide application of networks, many small and medium-sized enterprises,both at home and abroad, the benefit of enterprises, which the network information transmission brings, is unparalleled by any other transfer mode.Therefore, the same is true for the animation business, many enterprises will choose to do propaganda by establishing a good corporate image to enhance their popularity through the Internet. As platform for more and more cartoon fans and animation professionals to get information and communicate , cartoon website, which achieves high-efficiency dynamic information exchange and commodities trading, meets the need of the majority of users to communicate anytime at anyplace , as well as real-time online to buy the product, and provides for online users with exchangeing, trading places. Although there are many cartoon website exist,their layout is stereotyped, lack of individuation and foresight. And the design of the page is so confused that it does not favor the examination of the user. Also, the interactivity is quite bad. Therefore, Accordin


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