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三相异步电动机的各种启动及调速系统设计与应用 摘要 文章从理论上研究了三相异步电动机的启动方法与调速系统的设计,给出了三相异步电动机在工作时采用了电动机拖动生产机械,有足够大的启动转矩,保证了生产机械正常启动。启动平滑,设备安全可靠,结构简单,操作方便等特点。有许多启动方法,如:直接启动,鼠笼式异步电动机降压启动,三相鼠笼式异步电动机Y-△启动绕线式三相异步电动机的启动及各种运行状态。调速就是在一定的负载下,根据生产的需要人为的改变电动机的转速,这是生产机械经常向电动机提出的要求。调速性能的好坏往往影响到生产机械的工作效率和产品质量。变频调速技术的基本原理是根据电机转速与工作电源输入频率成正比的关通过改变电动机工作电源频率达到改变电机转速的目的 STARTING OF THERE-PHASE ASYNCHRONOUS MOTOR AND SPEED CONTROL SYSTEM DESIGN AND APPLICATION Article theoretically studied three-phase asynchronous motor startup method and speed control system design, and gives the three-phase asynchronous motor work when using the motor drag machinery, are large enough to start torque, ensure the production machinery booting normally. Starting smoothness, equipment, safe and reliable, simple structure, convenient operation, etc. There are many start-up methods, such as: direct start, a rat trap type three-phase asynchronous motor step-down start, a rat trap type asynchronous motor Y - train start winding type three-phase asynchronous motor start-up and various operating status. Speed is in certain load, according to the needs of the production of the artificial change the turning speed of the motor, this is often manufacturing machinery to motor of the request. Speed the performance often affect production machinery work efficiency and product quality. Variable-frequency regulating speed technology is based on the basic principle of the motor speed and work power input frequency is proportional to the relationship, by changing the motor work power frequency to change the motor speed purpose. 目录 摘要 1 引言 3 第一章 三相异步电动机启动方案 4 1.1三相异步电动机直接启动 6 1.2.1定子串电抗器启动 7 1.2.2星-三角启动 9 1.2.3 自耦减压启动 11 1.3绕线式三相异步电动机的启动 13 1.3.2 转子串频敏变阻器起动 14 第二章 三相异步电动机的调速系统 13 2.1概述 13 2.2三相异步电动机调速系统的组成 13 第三章 三相异步电动机调速系统的设计与应用 20 3.1三相异步电动机调压调速系统的工作原理 20 3.2三相异步电动机调速系统的结构原理图以及系统实现 20 结 论 24 致谢 25 参考文献 26 引言 在实际应用中,电动机作为把电能转换为机械能的主要设备,一是要具有较高的机电能量转换效率;二是应能根据生产机械的工艺要求控制和调节电动机的旋转速度.电动机的调速性能如何对提高产品质量、提高劳动生产率和节省电能有着直接的决定性影响。因此,调速技术一直是研究的热点。



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