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?2006 Prentice Hall 1-1 E-Marketing 4/E Judy Strauss, Adel I. El-Ansary, and Raymond Frost Chapter 1: Convergence Chapter 1 Objectives After reading Chapter 1 you will be able to: Explain how the Internet and information technology offers benefits and challenges to consumers, businesses, marketers, and society. Distinguish between e-business and e-marketing. Describe the Internet and the use of intranets, extranets and the Web. Chapter 1 Objectives 译者前言(经济发展特点,所导致的原因,网络经济发展的特点) P.3 农业经济的价值在土地,工业经济的价值在制造,网络经济的价值在集成 P.4 应该如何看待数字产品的版权问题 P.5 网络营销的定义 P.5 网络经济发展的轨迹,形成这种发展趋势的原因 P.5 网络营销时代,整合是主旋律(举例) Chapter 1 Objectives P.5 电子商务与数字技术的关系 P.6 网络用户利用互联网的各种形式(举例) P.7 图表1-1,(学生解释) P.8 数字环境下的企业跨部门沟通 P.9 数字鸿沟(pp408-413) P.9 互联网与全球化(讨论) P.9 数字鸿沟与社会平等 P.10图表1-2,(学生解释,盈利高原,传统经济理论的回归) Chapter 1 Objectives P.11 “电子商务”中的“电子”将悄悄隐去(为什么?) P.13 “传统的营销活动从根本上发生了变化”(为什么?) P.14 TiVo与机顶盒的差异 P.15 宽带的使用成本(见参考文献“数字鸿沟”) P.16 如何理解“消费者控制”? P.17 2007年特奥运动会的营销战略整合(讨论) P.17 无线网络给个人和社会带来的福利 P.19 语义网与报时装置是否有可比性? Chapter 1 Objectives, cont. Explain how increasing buyer control is changing the marketing landscape. Understand the distinction between information or entertainment as data, and the information receiving appliance used to view or hear it. The Music Industry File sharing programs, such as KaZaA, enable consumers to illegally download music. The Recording Industry Association of America has sued over 400 consumers for piracy. 14% U.S. consumers still download illegal files CD sales plunged to $13 million in 1999; $10.6 billion in 2003 Apple Computer introduced iTunes at .99 each. What will happen to the music industry? The actual cost of producing a CD is $10.17. Only $1.29 goes to the artist. Online distribution makes sense. What do you think will happen to the music industry? What do you think will happen to the movie industry? E-marketing Defined The use of information technology to create, communicate, and deliver value to customers. for managing customer relationships to benefit the organiz


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